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HC Miami’s Best Hangover Remedies

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Miami (OH) chapter.


College is a time to party, experience new things, and live it up before you’re forced to enter the real world. Weekends are heaven to college kids and some nights can get pretty rowdy. However, all that fun you have partying the night before will not be so much fun the next morning. We all now nothing is worse than waking up from an amazing sleep and realizing you’re …. Hungover.  You’re head hurts, your stomach feels queasy, and even though you’re starving, just the sight of food makes you run for the nearest bathroom. Here are Her Campus’ GOLDEN Tips to preventing a hangover and getting rid of one. 

  • DRINK H20! Nothing is better for a hangover then consuming enormous amounts of water. Because alcohol dehydrates your body, water will replenish your system and prevent or get rid of the awful headaches.
  • Get in your Electrolytes. Sports drinks such as Gatorade, Powerade, and Propel all have high amounts of electrolytes that your body needs due to alcohol’s diuretic effects. Simply drinking a bottle of Gatorade will leave you feeling a lot better than before.
  • Vitamins and Pain Meds. On a horrible morning, Vitamins and a little Advil will taste like food from the gods. Taking multi vitamins will help power up your immune system, while Advil will lessen the pain. A pretty awesome combo if you ask me!
  • Starchy and Greasy foods! This is the most exciting advice you’ve probably heard all year!  Eating foods with high amounts of starch and/or grease will help absorb all the alcohol and get it out of your system. However, we want to warn you of the amount of grease you consume, because like it or not, it may be coming back up. 
  • EXERCISE. Oh how it sucks to be hungover and have to work out. BUT working out is proven to be one of the best cures for a hangover. Sweating out all of the alcohol will not only quicken the recovery process, but endorphins will leave you feeling AMAZING after a solid workout. Trust us, your hangover will quickly be remedied after a half hour or so on the elliptical.
  • Eat ginger! Ginger was used in the olden days to treat nausea and sea sickness. This can come in handy when you need something to help settle your stomach. 
  • Don’t (repeat DO NOT) make any of those alcoholic hangover concoctions.  They’re just bound to make you more queasy than you already are, and that WILL end badly for you. 

After a wild weekend, we definitely suggest trying one of the above hangover remedies…you can thank us later!