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9 Selfies We’re Totally Over

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Miami (OH) chapter.

Selfies are what our generation will be remembered for. Whether you are completely alone or with a group of your closest friends, selfies are used to document practically any occasion. However, despite their popularity, we can all agree there are some selfies that we are just totally over.

Here are HC’s 9 selfies that need to go:

1. PDA SelfieThe number one selfie that needs to never be repeated.  Seeing PDA in action is bad enough — no one needs a documentation of you smooching your boyfriend of three weeks. Instead of this obnoxious Instagram, try a posed picture with your other half.    2. Duck face SelfieWe’re all guilty of this one, and we’d love to figure out how exactly the duck face originated. Even still, distorting your face into this pout either tells people you’ve had one too many Trash Cans at Brick Street or you’ve recently graduated from middle school.  

3. Profile Picture SelfieWe can all say we’ve taken selfies, but setting one as a profile picture is confusing.    You should select a profile picture with you and your closest friends, in a fun-filled environment, instead of a solo shot.  And the only thing worse than a solo selfie profile pic is the possible captions that accompany the picture.  We all miss summer, but you don’t need to tell us how amazing it is by including lyrics from your favorite country song.        4. Mirror Pic SelfieThe main issue we have with this selfie is the lack of clarity.  Can anyone actually see the outfit you’re trying to show off or the friends you’re with? And if there’s a flash involved, that’s an absolute no. (Also, we can see that there’s a toilet behind you in the bathroom mirror selfie. Having fun in there, huh?)

5. Fitness SelfieI admit — the pride we all feel after a good workout is hard to match, but please resist the urge to share it with your followers. Although the weight loss selfie can be extremely inspiring and heartwarming, this selfie can especially be attributed to boys. Lifting photos fall under this same category — never cool.

6. Makeup/Hair SelfieYour hair does look amazing and so does your makeup! But taking a selfie of your face before a night out seems to come across as conceited.  Instead try taking a group photo of the event you’re attending. Don’t worry, your appearance will still shine through!7. Pet SelfieEveryone loves their dogs and cats, along with taking pictures of them! But pushing your face up against your pet for the camera not only makes your pet angry, but genuinely has nothing to do with your lifelong connection between you and your furry friend.8. Seasonal SelfiesWith the leaves turning and Halloween approaching, everyone is in the spirit of fall. This is sure to bring selfies with pumpkins, girls with Starbucks in hand, buying Halloween costumes and surrounded by falling leaves (and don’t forget throwing leaves in the air and conveniently being surrounded by them). Everyone is aware of these changes, and does not need to be constantly reminded by the Instagram feed.  

9. Drunk SelfieProbably the hardest selfie to resist is the drunken one. First of all, avoiding anything when you’re drunk is next to impossible (think eating, texting, screaming, falling, etc.) But we think we speak for everyone when we say we don’t really want to think about half the things we did when we were drinking, let alone be reminded of them with photographic evidence.   


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Carly Thayer

Miami (OH)

Carly is a senior contributing writer and publicity staff member for Her Campus MiamiOH.
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Ellie Conley

Miami (OH)

Ellie Conley is a senior at Miami University. She is the current Editor-In-Chief and the former Publicity Coordinator for the Miami (OH) Chapter of Her Campus.