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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Merrimack chapter.

Class registration season is here: one of the most stressful and important parts of the semester. Personally, I find planning my schedule for the next semester to be really enjoyable. As a control freak with their entire life planned in a Google Calendar, mapping out my upcoming semester is fun. I also use it as a kind of escape from the classes I am currently taking. It usually falls around week 10 of the semester, at least as a rising senior this year. Right after midterms and when classes are in full swing, having a distraction from the stress helps me cope with it all. With that being said, here are some class registration tips and recommendations:

  1. Plan Ahead

Review your degree audit, remaining requirements needed, and course catalog, and prepare questions for your advisor. Going into advising and registration unprepared can not only create unnecessary stress but can negatively affect the schedule you end up with. 

  1. Meet with your Advisor 

This may seem obvious, but it really does help. Not only can they help you understand your degree audit and pick classes, but they also typically have insight into professors you may have. If you have to decide between two professors, your advisor can guide you in the right direction. If you find yourself in a challenging situation involving scheduling or getting into certain essential classes, your advisor usually has some ways to figure those things out with you, and can maybe even pull some strings.

  1. Have Back-Up Classes and Be Flexible

Every time I have registered for classes, I have not gotten into at least one of the classes I was planning to take. I recommend having a backup for every class you are interested in taking. For example, I needed a class for my minor and had two class options at two different times depending on the other classes I got into. 

  1. Talk to Professors 

If you have relationships developed with professors, ask them questions about other classes you are considering signing up for in their department. They should be pretty knowledgeable about other professors in their specific field, and guide you into a good fit. This is especially important when they are in the department of your major because it can help build a relationship with professors you will likely have again. Once you already have a relationship built with professors, it makes asking for a seat in a full class less awkward, and more likely that they will make an exception for you. 

  1. Do What Works For You

Personally, I know I am not going to wake up for an 8 a.m., so I avoid them at all costs. There’s nothing wrong with this; it is simply setting yourself up for success! You know what you can handle and what you cannot.

  1. Remember Add/Drop

The add/drop period is one of the most helpful elements of college and selecting classes. It gives students the ability to decide after a couple of classes if it is a good fit for them. I have had classes where after seeing the syllabus or meeting the professor, I knew that the class would not work for me due to a multitude of reasons, whether it is the grade breakdown, the professor’s teaching style, content, or anything else. Once again there is nothing wrong with doing what is best for you, and if you feel the class will not be a good fit for you, get out while you can. (Withdrawing is another option if it is after add/drop, and although it seems scary, it is better than tanking your GPA and/or failing). I think it is acutely important to be able to see when something isn’t for you or won’t give you the results you were looking for, and get out before it is too late. 

  1. Talk to Peers That Have Already Taken The Classes

I find that people are very willing to talk with others about the classes they recommend, and classes they would avoid. This is especially true within your major. I have a friend who is in my major and older, and she has provided me with so much guidance and direction when it comes to picking classes. It doesn’t hurt to ask people their opinions, but of course, take them with a grain of salt because everyone has a different learning style and preferred type of professor. The best way to find people in your major is to ask people in your current classes, especially within your major, about their favorite classes and professor recommendations.  

With all that in consideration, remember that a lot of class registration factors are out of your control as well. You can’t change how many seats there are in a class, who the professors are, and what time they are. Keep in mind that sometimes it just won’t work out the way you want at the moment, but some classes I had as backups and ended up taking are some of my favorite classes. So, even if you think things are really bad at the moment, don’t stress too much, be flexible and optimistic, and remember that the add/drop period is still an option. 

Addison Molloy

Merrimack '25

I am a junior at Merrimack College studying Communications and Media with a minor in English. My passions include writing, reading, and skiing. My favorite books are Beach Read by Emily Henry and Black Swan Stories by Eve Babitz. I hope to one day be able to write my own book! On campus my other involvements are Zeta Tau Alpha, Green Team, Relay for Life, Book Club, and The Office of Student Involvement.