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Sexting Scandal: Anthony Wiener

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mercer chapter.

In our modern age, it is of the utmost importance to keep your private information safe, as with only a few mouse clicks and a little typing, your deepest, darkest secrets could be revealed to the world. While there are accounts of people’s private material being hacked and stolen to be used against them, other people are just plain stupid about how they behave online. And nowhere is this more apparent than during the latest Anthony Weiner sexting scandal. Not only has the former Congressman been caught during two separate occasions sending elicit photos to other women behind his wife’s back while running for office, he recently made a statement defending his actions, “And maybe if the Internet didn’t exist… Like, if I was running in 1955? I’d probably get elected mayor.” While you pick your jaws back up from the floor, let’s examine the actions of Mr. Weiner and understand why exactly this behavior disenfranchises our current political system.

The statement made by Anthony Weiner doesn’t sit well for two reasons. Firstly, by blaming the Internet for revealing his sexting activities, Weiner purports to be the victim in this situation. The fact that Weiner used a codename during his adulterous behaviors, which was, and get ready for this, ‘Carlos Danger,’ reveals that the actions he committed were to be kept as distanced from him as possible. He knew what he was doing was wrong, and used a cover to keep himself safe from backlash. But of course, he was caught. And for Wiener to come out and publicly defend himself, going even further to suggest that he is the party not at fault in this situation, goes against both morality and his integrity as a political official.

Second, and this is gives insight into the motivations becoming increasingly prevalent in American politics, Weiner is convinced that had the Internet not existed to expose his scandalous behavior, he would have won the election. In case you aren’t aware, Weiner is still attempting to run for mayor, ignoring all the backlash and negative feedback, in an amazingly stubborn and arrogant manner. Despite everything that has happened, despite being caught twice doing the same adulterous behavior on separate occasions, this man still is running for public office, and what’s more, still believes he has a chance to win. This attitude, in a nutshell, neatly sums up a major problem in our political world today. Nobody cares if they get caught doing illegal or scandalous things, and they don’t even let the atrocity of their actions factor in; as long as they get elected into office, that’s all that matters. In a frightening display, more and more politicians seem only to be into governing our nation just for the power, money, and prestige that comes with it.

I’ve only touched on the controversies and baffling actions prevalent in Anthony Wiener’s quest for political appointment. Marshall Sella wrote an entire article on Wiener, where his statement on the Internet being at fault comes from, as she followed his campaign trail following his scandals. And there are shocking things in there not only about Wiener himself but the state of American politics. Do yourself a favor and read up on this one, as the insight it provides illuminates a much broader swath than merely one man’s incompetence.

Source: http://www.gq.com/news-politic…