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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Memphis chapter.


This week’s Campus Cutie is the most adorable Rebekah Grace White, Freshman Nursing major. 

On campus, she can be found at Einstein’s where her favorite thing to eat is Bar-b-que Chicken Toastini with an iced vanilla coffee. In her free time on campus she likes to cook in the dorm and rides her bike around campus. Her favorite color is purple and her favorite season is “spring and half way through summer.”



Her Campus: What is you favorite show to have a marathon on Netflix?

Campus Cutie: “My sister says Beverly hillbillies but that is not true. It’s One Tree Hill.”


HC: What are you involved in on campus?

CC: “Emerging leaders, Tigers 4 Lebonheur and Campus Outreach.”


HC: What is Tigers 4 Lebonheur?

CC: “Tigers for Lebonheur is an organization that exists to raise awareness and support for the children of Lebonheur. I chose Tigers 4 Lebonheur because I am pursuing a degree in nursing and I felt it would add to my resume and I knew a few people in the organization that were really excited about and it made me excited too.”


HC: Tell me about Campus Outreach.

CC: “Campus Outreach, they exist to pour into the lives of college students to create relationships with students on campus to share the gospel and make disciples to go into the school and share Jesus with their peers.” 


HC: Do you volunteer?

CC: “Absolutely! I volunteer on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Hamilton elementary tutoring kids from 2nd to 5th grade.”


HC: What got you into volunteering?

CC: “I was required to do volunteer hours and knew that wherever I chose to volunteer I knew there was value in consistency with where I was. I was hesitant to where I would go because I wanted to spend my time there and be devoted.”


HC: What is your advice to freshmen that will soon be in your place?

CC: “Don’t spill your tampons in the middle of the road on move in day! My biggest advice would be do research before you get to school. You should already know what you want to get involved with and you need to get to know people!”


HC: Don’t spill your tampons in the middle of the road? Want to explain?

CC: “I definitely spilled my tampons and the cop had to stop traffic to let me collect them. And all these guys came over to help and tried to reassure me that it happens to them all the time. And then they helped me move my stuff in so it was good.”





HC: What is your current relationship status?

CC: “Dating.”


HC: What are 3 qualities that you look for in a future mate?

CC: “Humbleness, leadership and passionate!”


HC: What qualities do you bring to a relationship?

CC: “Good question. Maybe humor, compassion and spontaneity.”


HC: What is your dream date?

CC: “My dream date would be fishing. Not just fishing, deep-sea fishing in the ocean.” 


HC: What do you want your life to look like in 5 years… 10 years? 

CC: “I want to be married. My five year goal is to have a stable job. My 10 year goal is to a family and nursing on the side but my focus would be being a mom.”


HC: What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?

CC: “I set alarms in the middle of the night when I’m on vacation to eat pizza rolls with ranch.” 


HC: What are you excited about in the years to come before you graduate?

CC: “I’m excited to study abroad in Costa Rica!”


HC: What made you choose that?

CC: “I chose [Costa Rica] because they have medical Spanish and tropical medicine program that I feel like would give me the experience I need to do what I want in the long run which is medical missions. And it’s warm there and you can zipline. And my mentor went there and she’s the best!”


HC: If you were president, what is one thing you would implement?

CC: “Free Starbucks to every college student, specifically cinnamon dulce lattes… you would get paid to drink those.”


HC: Do you know any pick up lines?

CC: “I was looking through the book of numbers and I realized I didn’t have yours!”



HC: This week’s Campus Cutie is the grooviest of babes if I’ve ever seen one! She keeps me in absolute knots laughing and lives an adventurous life worthy of her own television show. If you see her on campus give her a huge hug and tell her she’s the coolest because, let’s get real, she is! 



*If you are interested in volunteering at Hamiltion Elementary with Beka please contact memphis@hercampus.com and we will get you in touch with her.