Since opening in 1887, McMaster University has changed in several incredible ways. It has expanded from an initial 500 students to now over 37,000, offering new buildings, faculties, programs, and most notably, opportunities for women.
Between networking events, clubs, STEM programs, even a female elected as MSU president this year (woot woot!), McMaster has grown into a gender-inclusive institution, offering spaces to grow for all. Because of these expanding experiences and resources, individuals have greater opportunities to develop themselves as strong leaders, collaborators, successful professionals, and intelligent scholars!
To help recognize the women at McMaster, I interviewed three different women who are either currently enrolled or alumni, asking them about their experience at this university. I specifically chose individuals who attended the university during different time periods to acknowledge how McMaster has changed through the decades. In addition, I thought it would be interesting to see how three different women, studying three different subjects, have flourished in their own unique ways!
QUESTION 1: What McMaster program are/were you enrolled in and what year will/did you graduate?
Person A: Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences. Graduating June 2025.
Person B: McMaster Kinesiology, graduated 2022 and McMaster Accelerated Nursing, graduated 2024.
Person C: Humanities, 2001.
QUESTION 2: What is your current job? If you are a current student, what is your dream job?
Person A: I’m not sure yet. I’m still exploring my options.
Person B: Registered Nurse.
Person C: National Sales Operations Manager.
QUESTION 3: What is one of your favourite memories from McMaster University?
Person A: I had the opportunity to go on a road trip across America from California to Hamilton with the McMaster Baja Racing team after our competition in California! I had so much fun road tripping with my teammates!
Person B: Meeting my lifelong friends from nursing.
Person C: My fav memory is the first time I entered a large lecture room and took my first seat right in the middle of the room. It reminds me of taking a big step or turning a page to start a new chapter.
QUESTION 4: What is/was your favourite class?
Person A: Mechanical Engineering Design Elements or Anatomy.
Person B: All my Kin labs.
Person C: By far, English was my favourite. I loved the exposure to all different genres and deep diving into the meaning behind the words. I especially enjoyed being introduced to diverse cultures and experiences through books and storytelling.
QUESTION 5: What is/was your favourite McMaster study spot?
Person A: The Hub!
Person B: HSC library/the high tops right outside the library or PGCLL
Person C: The only place I studied onsite was the library—I did not live on campus so I did most of my studying at home.
QUESTION 6: Why would you recommend McMaster to future students?
Person A: There are lots of great people and plenty of exciting clubs and teams to make your university experience even better!
Person B: Mac has always had a homey feel to it and that helped my experience as a first year. I was able to get comfortable in my environment quickly and it made everything feel less daunting. Academically, being exposed to research-intensive courses enabled me to learn more about myself and my interests and set me up for my future goals.
Person C: It is a beautiful campus and a great community.
QUESTION 7: If you could go back in time and give your first-year self a piece of advice, what would you say?
Person A: Get involved with more extracurriculars earlier! In my final year of university, I’ve been the most involved in my extracurriculars out of any other year and this has by far been my favourite year at McMaster!
Person B: Be open to new experiences. If you feel like the program and environment you are in is not for you, it is okay to listen to that feeling. I enjoyed my second time around at Mac more than I did my first, and I made the best of friends from that time.
Person C: Don’t limit yourself—learn everything and anything you can, whenever you can. Even explore subjects that only mildly interest you—there is always something to learn, and it always makes you a better person!
It is fascinating how every individual has different hobbies, passions, interests, pathways, and destinations. As you continue your academic journey, have fun forging your own path. We all have different journeys in life, and this is a fact worth celebrating!
[1] “McMaster History.” DISCOVER McMASTER, 16 Jan. 2025, Accessed 30 Jan. 2025.
[2] “Get to Know McMaster.” DISCOVER McMASTER, 21 Jan. 2025, Accessed 30 Jan. 2025.