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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McMaster chapter.

Okay, what is a hot girl summer and do I need to be hot? First off, being hot is an attitude! You act like you’re hot and there you go, you’re hot. It’s all about confidence, and knowing you are the shit. According to Urban Dictionary, “hot girl summer is about “just being you. A summer where you are in charge of your own happiness… and we ain’t crying over no man.” Period. That’s right, hot girl summer doesn’t just mean hooking up with as many people as you can, but we’re NOT here to slut shame so if that’s what you wanna do, GO FOR IT. But what else does it mean?

A hot girl knows what she wants. She doesn’t let anything, or anyone, drain her. She keeps her mind, her body and her soul healthy.

A hot girl summer is living your best life and making the most out of those four months of warm sun on your skin. It’s not caring what other people think, it’s going out of your comfort zone and having new experiences. It’s about growing, learning, healing, being bold and confident, having a great time, and not letting anyone ruin it. You are independent, no one will stop you from having the summer you’ve been waiting for.

Things to Make you ‘Hot’

  1. Drink water: you’ll have glowy skin and feel amazing
  2. Read: educate yourself; knowledge is power, being smart is hot
  3. Go to the gym: find a workout that works for you so you so you actually enjoy it!
  4. Moisturizer and skincare: soft healthy skin is hot skin
  5. Journal: make lists of goals to achieve, short or long term (Ex: “Make X amount of money”, or “Learn how not to cry when someone yells at you”)
  6. Stop caring what others think and worry about if YOU are having a good time: if you’re having the best time dancing in the middle of the bar in your shortest sparkly dress and people are giving you weird looks, they’re probably just wishing they wore their sparkly dress
  7. Take every opportunity for fun: got invited to a party? Go! Got invited to a cottage for the weekend? Go! Going out of your comfort zone helps character growth
  8. Let go of things that no longer serve you: this means people, jobs, etc.; if it isn’t uplifting you, it’s draining you, and that keeps you from growing and being the best person
  9. Go on walks: it’s a great easy cardio workout, its relaxing, and is proven to reduce stress and anxiety
  10. Listen to hot girl podcasts: listen to podcasts that will enrich you where you can take something from them and apply to your life.


Repeating affirmations to yourself is proven to get you closer to your goals. The paper Is There Science Behind Positive Daily Affirmations?” says, “Studies prove that positive affirmations help activate parts of the brain that are associated with self-related processing and reward. The same studies also indicate that positive affirmations can help build or restore self-confidence.” Repeating affirmations helps you subconsciously work on them so you actually become those things because you’re telling your brain they are facts.

Things to Do this Hot Girl Summer

  1. Flirt, a lot. And be bold about it! (Just throw a compliment and watch them fall for you)
  2. Get a camera and take all the photos
  3. Learn a new skill
  4. Go through your wardrobe and donate old clothes
  5. Volunteer
  6. Paint in a park
  7. Host a party
  8. Rekindle an old friendship
  9. Try a new look
  10. Sign up for a marathon
  11. Get a morning routine
  12. Meditate

So, What is a Hot Girl Summer?

A MINDSET. You’re not going to be able to become the best version of yourself if you seek happiness outwards. You must seek happiness within; that’s how you’ll grow into the best version of yourself. So, try new things, do something that scares you, educate yourself, and do what brings you joy. That’s what’s going to help you be the ultimate “hot girl” for your hot girl summer.

Finally, to wrap it all up for you, a song to really set you in the hot girl mood with lots of great affirmations: “Pretty girl magic” by Moonlight Scorpio.

Happy summer!

Nicole Kolder

McMaster '24

Hey guys my names Nicole Kolder and I am a writer for HerCampus :) I’m going into my third year for social psych and so happy to share my articles with you!