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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McMaster chapter.

If you’ve been on TikTok lately, then you have probably seen many people sharing their snatched jawlines after using their Gua Sha. While it is all the rage right now, this ancient skincare tool has been used in Chinese medicine as folk therapy for thousands of years. It was traditionally made from buffalo horn and used to relieve the side effects and symptoms of illnesses. However, it has now been modernized into jade and rose quartz and is typically used to achieve a face lifting effect.

Using a Gua Sha can help stimulate circulation in your face, while decreasing puffiness, inflammation, and dark circles. It also increases lymphatic drainage, which makes your face appear less bloated. To use a Gua Sha properly, you must first lubricate your face  to prevent it from damaging your skin. You can use a serum or face oil for this. Then, gently drag the Gua Sha across your skin in repeated motions. It is important to be firm but gentle, especially in sensitive areas, as aggressive use can cause red streaks on your face (that will eventually fade away). 

While it may be cheaper to purchase your Gua Sha from big-box retailers such as Amazon and AliExpress, I encourage you to  buy directly from Asian-owned businesses. They tend to place more importance on Gua Sha’s roots in Chinese medicine, which is evident in the materials chosen (for example, jade is the stone of eternal youth). In addition, Gua Sha’s from Asian-owned businesses tend to be of higher quality and have a better therapeutic effect compared to the ones sold by big-box retailers (who may use man-made materials or a cheaper version of jade/rose quartz). So the next time your face is feeling puffy, using a Gua Sha may be the way to go.

Michelle Li

McMaster '24

Michelle is a third year Biomedical Discovery and Commercialization student at McMaster University. When she is not studying, she can usually be found reading, testing new recipes or spending too much money on skincare.