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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McMaster chapter.

Happy New Year! This is the time of the year for change, growth, reflection, and intention. It’s no secret that people set new goals – often wellness themed – in January. It’s the beginning of the year – a fresh start. In honour of 2023 being a better year for us all, here are 10 habits that are small and easy to implement in your life and can make a huge difference!

  1. Slow down and take a breath

Easy right? It’s so easy to feel overwhelmed, irritated, anxious or frustrated. Try to recognize when you aren’t feeling good, and literally stop what you are doing, close your eyes, and take a long deep breath. Slowing down sometimes can work miracles!

  1. Set intentional goals

Take some dedicated time to sit and think about what you want to achieve, what you want your life to look like, or something you want to happen in your life. Being as specific as possible gives you a clear objective to strive to (and sets you up for manifesting!)

  1. Put reminders of those goals around you

Make a vision board, sticky notes, pictures, quotes, or any form of reminder, and put them where you’ll see them often: the bathroom where you can see it while you brush your teeth, the fridge, above your desk, your car dashboard. The idea behind this is that the more you see them (even if it’s passive), the more it’ll be on your mind and subconscious – and you’ll focus on working towards these goals.

  1. Walk! 

Personally, this is one I’m working on, but there are so many daily opportunities to increase our steps – which helps improve mood and cardiovascular health. You could opt to take the stairs instead of the elevator, park farther away from the door, or take a walk during your lunch break. Taking the longer way home is also great if you can’t find the time to exercise!

  1. Prioritize sleep

As a college student, it’s so easy to neglect sleep and pull all-nighters by studying or hanging out with friends, but sleep is so important in our overall well-being. Prioritizing sleep can help you think clearer, have more energy (duh), strengthen your immune system, and improve your mood. Sleep is magical, and you should take advantage of it.

  1. Stay hydrated

This is an obvious and overstated one, but with good reason! We NEED water to function and survive, and most people are not drinking enough (no, water with ground up coffee beans in it doesn’t count). If you find yourself snacky, tired, lethargic, nauseous, have a headache, or just overall ‘blah’ as I like to call it, try drinking some more water – you very well could be dehydrated!

  1. Reward yourself! 

Yes, I’m telling you to bribe yourself because it works! If you finish the laundry, you can sit and watch Netflix guilt-free. If you finish your paper, you can go to the bar or a restaurant with friends. If you get an A, you can buy yourself a gift. A reward can be anything that will motivate you!

  1. Have an off day, or morning, or even hour

Dedicate a time of the week to turn off your phone and disconnect and spend time by yourself or with others in person. It’s so refreshing to put the phone down and genuinely be in the moment.

  1. Eat before you grocery shop

When you’re at the store, walk around the outside before going up and down the aisles. This technique makes it more likely for you to buy more produce and whole foods rather than packaged foods.

  1. Meal prep

Honestly, I’ve never been good at this because I can’t prepare meals for the whole week; I know I wouldn’t want to eat them during the week and would want something else! Instead, I’ve found little ways to meal prep that make a huge difference. Try pre-cutting veggies and storing them in the fridge. It saves time and energy while cooking and makes it effortless to incorporate veggies into any meal. Likewise, cooking individual food ahead of time gives you instant access to readymade food but allows for flexibility in meals. Keeping cooked protein on hand such as tofu or chicken, along with a carb like rice or pasta makes it easy to throw something together, adding different spices or sauces as you want. If you have a sweet tooth, the freezer is your friend! You can freeze muffins, cookies, cupcakes, donuts, pie, and cake so you always have something on hand when you get that craving. Not only does this allow you to keep treats without them going bad, but you also have to put conscious effort into thawing it – so you aren’t mindlessly eating them as you walk through your kitchen!

I hope something on this list inspires you to take a step towards feeling your best and making 2023 an amazing year!

Virginia Howard

McMaster '24

Virginia is a first-year social science student! You can find her at home studying or playing with her two little kids, or out travelling the world or dancing!