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Reactions to Twitter Wars When You Don’t Follow Pop Culture; Wiz Vs. Kanye

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MCLA chapter.

Last Wednesday I strolled in to class, when someone shouted “Kanye West is going crazy on Twitter.”


I dislike Kanye as much as anyone who has access to the internet, so I made my way over.

Okay Kanye.

Someone kindly explained to me that Wiz Khalifa is a rapper, and that I’m old and out of touch.

What’s a Cudi? It sounds cute, is it a Panda Bear?

That Shade Tho.

Then Khalifa started responding.

Many people tried to explain.

Then things got crazy!

To be fair I don’t think I know the difference between a Kanye and Taylor Swift song, there could be a creative process.

Wait, aren’t they fighting?

What’s he smoking?

Someone explained to me the Amber Rose reference and then I too was offended.

In the end I discovered I stay away from twitter wars for a reason.

But for the rest of you youngins, here you go.


Harmony Birch is not a tree, a guitar, or a female professor living in the UK. She is a student with a journalism concentration minoring in Arts Management and Women's Studies at MCLA, who tries to fully embrace the neurotic, workaholic New England lifestyle. In addition to being a Campus Correspondent for Her Campus MCLA, Harmony is the Managing Editor at The Beacon, and President of Students for a Democratic Society. When she's not writing articles or being an activist , Harmony can be found working on Shakespeare shows with Yorick, idolizing Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or waiting (not so patiently) for her Hogwarts letter.