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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MCLA chapter.

College friends are vastly different from home friends. You spend more time with your college friends than home friends at any given time. Sometimes they just don’t go away and at other times an hour without them can feel like ten years. As crazy and overwhelming as college may be, I am forever thankful to be blessed with such quirky friends. Thinking about my first year of college and the amazing memories I have made, one friend in particular comes to mind. Sheaden Callahan. My friendship with this crazy woman is beyond words. Forever thankful for our friendship and the many stages of it.  

The “I’m shook” stage is real within my friendship with Shea. We are always shook by something, even the smallest of things. We say “I’m shook” by the wacky people that walk by us, the writing assignments that come out of nowhere, and the overall crazy things college brings.

The second stage to my friendship with Shea is “we so just failed that exam”. The chances of us ACTUALLY failing are pretty slim, but catch us stressing over every exam we ever take even if we do feel as if it was easy. Confidence just doesn’t exist within our friendship… or maybe its a psychology thing.

The third stages of my friendship with Shea is “I can not believe I just passed that exam”. Even though we spent the entire week before the exam preparing, stressing out and quizzing each other, it still comes as a surprise to us when we pass. We know we earned the grade and our hard work paid off, but the relief of it all is all too real.

The fourth stage of my friendship with Shea is the “your room is also my room” stage. Shea knows she’s always welcome and also knows the reason my door is unlocked is specifically for her to come walking in whenever she wants. Hours have been spent in my room stressing over classes and people, watching movies we don’t actually care about, and sitting around procrastinating our life.  


Meghan is a sophomore who majors in Psychology with a minor in behavior analysis. She is one of the two campus correspondents of the MCLA chapter. Writing has become first nature for her- it's like riding a bike into paradise. She primarily writes about love with the hope to become the female version of Nicholas Sparks someday.