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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MCLA chapter.

Let’s face it. The 2000’s fashion trends are making a major comeback, bringing with it not only a sudden appreciation for Juicy sweat suits, but also lip gloss!

Yes, this is the same type of product that you smeared across your face in an attempt to look cool in middle school. But not only is lip gloss making its reappearance in the beauty scene, it has gotten a major upgrade. Gloss no longer has the consistency of glue but is lighter with less chemicals. Today’s lip gloss also has separated itself from being a sticky, somewhat dull shine, to being bright and minimalist. Brands such as Glossier and Benefit have kept up with the clear lip gloss shine and amplified its ability to provide nourishment.

The importance of adding some sort of moisturizer into the gloss changes a lot of how lip gloss was used previously. Lip gloss was typically added over lipstick to add a shine to the color, but had little to no beneficial aspect to it. Now, Glossier has taken out the need to put the gloss over lipstick, because it now has oils in it that help with dry lips. Benefit took this one step further and created a gloss-like stain that not only has color in it that can be used on the cheeks of the face, but it moisturizes the lips while leaving a little bit of a shine.

With this first wave of gloss revival done because of Glossier and Benefit, which is still currently killing it in the makeup market, another one swiftly followed after. A new type of lip gloss was born! This lip gloss not only still keeps its shine; it has a moisturizing element to it,  with color as opaque as regular lipstick. Lip gloss such as this was the makeup piece missing from everyone’s stash, easy to swear by. Too Faced cosmetics came out with their Melted Lip Gloss recently that quickly rose to fame as it was the perfect combination or lipstick and lip gloss.

This type of lip gloss does have a thicker consistency, which is reminiscent of lip gloss past, and a little bit of a scent to them. The color and shine completely makes up for the stickiness of the product. Now the beauty industry is seeing a stranger lip gloss that is incredibly new to the scene. Milk Cosmetics has come out with a Holographic Lip Gloss.

Yes, that’s right, I said a Holographic Lip Gloss. It has several different colors, whether it being a blue shine or a pink one, each has a strong and beautiful tint to it. This lip gloss also maintains a shine, has a moisturizing aspect, and also changes colors. It is a product that is cheap and easy to get which makes it all the more fun. This is my middle school dream coming to life. It’s a Lisa Frank pencil case in a lip gloss, something we all didn’t realize that we even needed but now we’re obsessed!

Mitchell Chapman is a young journalist looking to make a name for himself. He's been published in The Berkshire Eagle, Bennington Banner, Brattleboro Reformer and the Huffington Post and was the editor of his school's newspaper, The Beacon, after serving first as A & E Editor and then Managing Editor. He is a big science fiction fan, and is known for his quips on the blockbuster movie industry. He is a proud brother of the Sigma Chi Beta fraternity.