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Your Guide to Planning Your Summer Getaway

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

Ladies and gentlemen, please secure your seatbelts in preparation for takeoff. This is your guide to planning your perfect summer trip.

One. Decide where you want to go. Don’t underestimate the beauty of small, less touristic locations. For me, the countryside of Tuscany left a bigger impression than the hectic streets of Rome. The vineyards and big open skies were breathtaking. Take a chance and explore somewhere new; get lost in the streets of an unknown city.

Two. Check regularly for your plane ticket; the prices are constantly changing. One minute they’re high and the next thing you know, they’re $500 cheaper. Don’t doubt yourself and BUY IT!  Being flexible on dates is also a big bonus.  Similarly, don’t limit yourself to one website. There’s more to the world then Expedia. Try other websites such as Flight Network or smaller airlines’ home websites.  

Three. Don’t dismiss hostels. During my last trip, we saved a fortune by staying at hostels instead of hotels. While searching for lodging, you can specify private rooms in hostels to avoid sharing with a million strangers. The upside to our trip was that every hostel we stayed at did not feel like a hostel at all. One in fact was a little apartment that became our haven in Venice.

Four.  Decide what you want to see; every destination has its own treasures. Plan what you want to see and when, but be sure not to overfill your days. Leave plenty of time to wander the streets and discover the hidden gems that only locals know about. Ask around or start a conversation with the barman, they’ve lived there; they know the place better than Google ever could.

Five. Don’t over pack. Quite the contrary – I suggest that you pack very lightly in the roomiest luggage you own. While roaming the streets of a foreign city, you will buy almost everything you see. Trust me, clothes will not be an issue. While you’re at it, buy your shower essentials at your destination as well; you can ditch the half-empty shampoo bottle before you leave. Think of it this way: the less you bring, the more souvenirs you can bring back.

Six. Have fun and take a LOT of pictures. It’s a good idea to keep a travel journal as well; with all the excitement, you won’t remember everything you saw. 



images obtained from : http://planetmaks.info/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/destination-travel-web…

