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Susan Yin/Unsplash

Need to De-Stress? Read Your Way to Calm

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

It’s that time of the year when we’re all under pressure with school and exams. What better way to relax after stressful midterms than with a good book? Here are some suggestions on what to read if you want to take a break from the academic grind.

Safe Haven – Nicholas Sparks:

This book tells the story of a woman named Katie who moves to a new town and forms two new relationships: one with a widowed man named Alex and one with her neighbour, a woman named Jo, all while hiding a terrible secret from her past. This is one of the best books I’ve read. It is a beautifully written story that really touched me and that I would recommend it to anyone who likes romance novels.

The Lovely Bones – Alice Sebold:

If you didn’t watch the movie, I suggest you read this book. Although it was really sad, I found it really different and interesting. It’s about a young girl, Susie, who was murdered. The story is told from her point of view while she is in heaven watching over her grieving family, who are not aware of what happened to her and are trying to figure it out. 

Wherever You Go – Heather Davis:

I read this book a few years ago and haven’t heard much hype about it, but I really enjoyed it. It might seem a bit strange at first since it’s about a girl whose boyfriend died, and whose grandpa claims to be communicating with his ghost. The story is told from the point of view of three characters, and on top of being a love story, it teaches a powerful message about moving on and letting go. It’s one of my favourite books and I really think you should read it, you won’t regret it!


The Fault in Our Stars – John Green:

I know how overrated this story is, but I felt like this list wouldn’t be complete without my all-time favourite book. It’s a beautiful, heartbreaking story of two teenagers with cancer who fall in love. If you haven’t read this book or watched the movie, I strongly recommend you do. No book I’ve read has ever touched me as much as this one did. I stayed up an entire night reading it and bawling my eyes out, and even years after reading it, it has remained my favourite book.

The Veil of Fear – Samia Shariff:

This book is a little bit different from the other ones I’ve mentioned. It is the autobiography of an Algerian woman who was not accepted by her family because she is a girl. She tells the story of the hard life she lived and everything she went through to get to where she is today. Even though some parts were awfully sad, I found it to be an amazing and inspiring story. I read the book in French (Le Voile de la Peur), but I believe there is the English version available as a Kindle edition. 

Happy reading!


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