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Long Distance Friendships: How to Cope When Your Platonic Soulmate is Far Away

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

There’s a lot of talk about long distance relationships, but discussions often fail to mention how hard it is to have your best friend living far away from you; the difficulty of not being able to see them IRL and share those special moments with them. Luckily, we live in the age of social media where regardless of how far away you are, you can still be extremely involved in each other’s lives.

Here are some tips to remain tight with your ultimate BFF regardless of the distance and different time zones:

1. Schedule a Facetime appointment at least once a week: It doesn’t have to be for a long period of time, but being able to talk and see each other will make you feel more involved in each other’s live already. Texting doesn’t serve stories justice sometimes.

2. Have a Snapchat streak: This might seem insignificant, but having to send at least one snap to each other every single day will mean that there will be a daily interaction; also, a picture speaks a thousand words.

3. Tag each other in memes:  There is no need to explain this one, tagging each other in memes on Instagram will not only ensure your best friend that certain things remind you of them, but it will also give you something to talk about.

4. Keep framed pictures of them in your room: Other than obvious sentimental reasons, having these pictures will remind you to talk to them every once in a while! Plus, it’s important to remind yourself of those good old memories; it will motivate you when times get hard.

5. Update them about significant events in your life: Let’s say you go on a date, get a good grade or even make a new friend, share that information! It’ll make your best friend feel like they’re a part of your life and will just make your relationship stronger.

The most important thing about maintaining a long-distance friendship is to keep them involved in your life. Obviously, some days you will be busier than others, so you might not get the chance to talk to them as often as you hoped, but when you do get to speak, make it memorable.

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Currently studying Psychology as a Bachelor of Arts in McGill University. I aim to write about a series of different subjects. Super into make up, art, music and events around Montreal!
Originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Gabrielle is a fourth year student at McGill University. She watches a lot (some might say too much TV) and has gotten into screaming matches over movies. In her spare time, she enjoys being utterly self-deprecating. For clever tweets, typically composed by her favorite television writers, follow her twitter. For overly-posed (but pretending not to be) photographs follow her Instagram.