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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

As it has been for everyone else, March has been a hectic month for me. Aside from the spring break withdrawal and midterms, I have back-to-back conferences all throughout the month. For a fashion lover like me, these conferences could possibly be the most stressful part of this month. 

Now, don’t get me wrong. I love the power a good suit gives you; however, when I look at the sea of monochromatic colours, I am kind of bummed out. There seems to be very little room for expression in the snug two piece. I refuse to give in though. “Very little” does not mean “none at all”, and I will take what I can get.

How can we maintain our fashion identities without committing major business attire faux-pas? 

Before starting this article, I did some research. Unfortunately, the question seems to remain a mystery for many. It is not like everyone lives in Vogue and can get away with a snug leather skirt or shoe art that breaks the bank. 

The ovverarching theme of red in the spread, however, definitely gives me hope that not everything is black and white. Like any business contract, there will be loop holes where our personal style can shine through. Here are the ones I found:

  1. Play with the shirt. Collars are one of the things you can play with in the business attire world. Opting for collarless chiffon or silk can add an aura of modern sophistication and life to your ensemble.
  2. Details. Sometimes the small things can be the loudest. Subtle detailing in your pants, skirts, shirts or shoes can help you gain that edge in fashion, while maintaining the modesty required.
  3. Simple accessory. Accessorizing can definitely help you up your suit game. However, stick to simple and noiseless choices for elegance.

Images Retrieved from: here, here and here.