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Economy of Line and Style

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

The distinction between fashion and style straddles an imposing capital “F” and uncompromising individuality, and illustration has the power to convey this subtlety through mere suggestion. With one stroke here and a smudge (or two) there, sketches illustrate the character and essence of their subjects with a captivating and enduring specificity.

Here are my attempts to capture the uncompromising individualities and characters on campus, be it in front of Redpath or on the steps on the MacDonald-Harrington building. Here is McGill, one line at a time. (Photos inspired by those on: TheSartorialist.com and Copenhagenstreetstyle.dk)

Olivia Lifman is in her final year at McGill University, where she is completing an Honours BA in English Literature with a minor concentration in International Relations. Passionate about writing, reading, and the Arts, she is the Editor-in-Chief of both Her Campus McGill and McGill's English Department's Undergraduate Academic Journal, The Channel, as well as a literacy tutor. She has coached tennis for five years and is an avid haf-marathon runner. Olivia is very much looking forward to extending McGill's campus beyond its university borders and into the city of Montreal at large as she works more closely with Her Campus this year.