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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

Meet Nikhil Tangirala, a U3 student with a love of photography, geography and other -ograpgy’s he can’t recall at the moment! 


Keah Hansen for Her Campus McGill (HC McGill): What are you studying? 

Nikhil Tangirala (NT): I am double-majoring in Geography and Anthropology.  

HC: Where are you from?

NT: I don’t know where I am from (nervous laugh)… But mostly Murrland (aka Maryland). 

HC: What is your favourite movie? 

NT: Lagaan, a Bollywood film because the songs from the movie were my favourite when I was little. 

HC: List 3 passions go!

NT: Hmmm… Photography, geography, and green curry.

HC: What is the most stimulating place you’ve ever travelled to?

NT: Hyderabad in India because I’m too scared to cross the street by myself!

HC: What is your favourite board game?

NT: Settlers of Catan.

HC: What are three things you do in your free time?

NT: Photography, eating vua and exploring the city.

HC: What is your favourite season and why?

NT: Fall because it’s pretty and it smells nice.

HC: Ice cream, cookies or ice cream sandwiches?

NT: Ice cream sandwiches (nom nom).

HC: Are you part of any clubs on campus?

NT: I am VP Events of MUPSS, the McGill University Photography Students’ Society, where I plan photography related events, such as photo critiques and photo outings.

HC: Would you rather vacation at a beach, city, or mountainside meadow?

NT: In a city because I like the energy and chaos of urban life.

HC: Are you going on exchange during your degree?  If so, are you planning to do any travelling while you’re there?

NT: Yes, to Boğaziçi University in Istanbul, Turkey. I’m hoping to visit some places in Europe, cities in Turkey like Cappadocia, and visit India too because I’ll be halfway there anyway.

HC: What’s your favourite place to eat near campus?

NT: Can I say Le Faubourg?  It’s a really sketchy looking food court near Concordia with a bunch of amazing Asian restaurants. (Whispering confidentially) I ate there everyday in the summer.

HC: Who would play you in a Bollywood version of your life?

NT: Aubrey Plaza.

HC: What is your spirit animal?

NT: A Hippopotamus.


Images obtained from:



Keah Hansen is a third year English Literature and Political Science student at McGill University, in Montreal Quebec. When she isn't studying or writing, she loves to get lost in a beautiful hiking trail, a groovy swing dance routine or a novel!