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Black History Month at McGill: McGill African Students Society’s Annual African Development Convention

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

February is finally upon us, which means another whole month of exciting and highly educational events as part of Black History Month. While Montreal offers a wide variety of activities, our very own McGill African Students Society (MASS) presents its 4th Annual African Development Convention under the theme “Africa in the 4th Dimension: Development in the Continuum”. The goal of the convention is to bring awareness about the African Development Discourse and to create a safe space for those wishing to share their thoughts and ideas on the topic. It is a 3 day convention including various discussion panels with specific topics. The programme is as follows:

February 2nd: Revitalizing Indigeneous African Knowlege

A panel on the quest to uncover and understand the truth behind pre-colonial African knowledge.

February 3rd: Black Skin, Blue Masks: Medical Practices in Africa

A discussion surrounding the current state of medical practices by addressing medical breakthroughs on the continent, international medical aid distribution, the effects of universalizing medical discourses on traditional medical practices, as well as the role of the African diaspora on medical development. 

February 4th: The Image of the “Average” African and its Discontents

The analysis of social and economic impact of bad representation in the light of islamophobia and the fear of establishing businesses in Africa.

Not African Enough?: In Conversation with African Diaspora Youth

An interactive panel aiming to understand how today’s young Africans are working to reclaim and reconstruct the narrative surronding the continent through visual arts, social media, fashion, and social entrepreneurship. The panel will also feature guest speakers who will be announced on the Facebook page.

If you find yourself in need of more engaging events, such as this convention, make sure to stay tuned for the Black History Month Festival 2017 programme and all it has in store for you to #StayWoke.


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