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6 Reasons We’re Excited for Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MBU chapter.

We’re almost done with week four and the only thing getting us through the day is the prospect of Spring Break. It’s only a month away – of course I’m counting – so we think we’re justified in our daydreaming. These are the six things we are most looking forward to…


1. Sleeping in

We are so pumped to catch some extra zzz’s. Who can’t wait for nine days without an alarm?

2. Good food

Aren’t you craving some of your mom’s delicious home-cooked meals?

3. No homework

We seriously can’t remember the last time we weren’t doing homework. At last, nine days of no stress are right around the corner!

4. Fun in the sun

Temperature below our age is totally bumming us out. We can’t help but to dream about laying in sand with the sun beating down on us. Who else can smell the sunscreen?

5. Getting to see our family

…for just a little bit! (We are secretly glad to live away from them.) 

6. Having free time

When was the last time you had a few moments to yourself? Over break, you’ll have tons of time to do whatever you like: going to fun parties or…(we won’t judge you) staying in bed all day and watch Netflix.


We hope imagining the perfect spring break will help you stand school for one more month, just be careful not to drool while you fantasize during class. Happy daydreaming!

Katherine Draves is a student in the Program for the Exceptionally Gifted at Mary Baldwin College. She is a Theatre major with a focus in theatre literature and history. When she isn't in class or at rehearsal, she loves to relax with Netflix or a good book. Born and raised in Seattle, Washington, Katherine is an avid fan of the Seahawks and new Broadway shows.  
Rachel Heacock is a second-year at the University of Virginia. She is an Applied Statistics major with a concentration in Actuarial Finance with interest in an English minor. When she isn't watching baseball, she's in class, studying, or reading up on FanGraphs and MLB Trade Rumors. Born and raised in Northern Virginia, Rachel loves attending Washington Nationals games or relaxing at her southern lake house with her Lab-German Shepherd mixed puppy.