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Taking On Life Tragedies

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marywood chapter.

Taking on Tragedy

Learning, Growing, and Surviving.


We have all known tragedy. Losing a loved one, leaving friends, being struck by illness. Tragedy grows and shapes us into who we are and there are two ways that tragedy is dealt with. You can curl up in a ball and cry about how unfair your life is or you can push through the pain, learn from it, and make yourself stronger.


If you choose option one, you choose the pain. You choose depression and constant anxiety. You choose to wake up with puffy eyes because you cried yourself to sleep the night before. You choose to seclude yourself in a never-ending cycle of despair. You chose yourself. You chose selfishness. You chose to put your own unhappiness above others.


But, if you choose option two. You choose love. You choose strength. You choose positivity. You choose perseverance. You choose to get out of bed in the morning. You choose to let the sun in. You choose everyone. You choose selflessness. You choose to move forward.


As someone who has seen tragedy strike like the sharp edge of a knife these last few months, here is my advice to anyone after enduring this pain.


  1. Get out of bed.

I know it’s hard. Sometimes getting out of bed is the worst part of the day but do it for yourself and for everyone you love.


  1. Talk to someone. –

It doesn’t have to be a therapist, but it could be. Putting your thoughts into words is the best way to begin coping with something.


  1. Don’t bottle anything in.

It will destroy you if you do.


  1. Find friends who will support you.

And, if you have friends that are not going to support you, drop them. You do not need that type of energy and they don’t deserve you.


  1. Get rid of negative energy in your life.

Enough said.


  1. Live.

Love. Laugh. Live your life. Life is too short. Tragedy teaches us this.