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Seizing Opportunities in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marywood chapter.

One thing that I learned in college is that most emails in my inbox are trash. Irrelevant. Not of use to me. Another thing I learned in college is that some of the emails that look useless actually end up being great opportunities. I received an email a couple weeks back about a conference that was seeking participants to present research. On a whim, I decided to apply and just last week, I presented my research to professors and students from other higher institutions in proximity to mine. It was a great experience and it taught be so much. Other professors were there to offer advice and to give critiques. Other students were also there and able to discuss their own work in relation to mine. It ended up being an experience that I was lucky to have.

What I am trying to say is that in college, you need to take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to you. With extra curricular activities, classes, and sports, it is hard to find time for additional activities but these activities are sometimes the most important.

So, attend a conference. Go listen to that speaker you never heard of that is presenting on how to find a job. Volunteer for that service event. Taking these opportunities will not only benefit you as a person but they could also possibly benefit you in the working field. At conferences, there are representatives from different schools that know of job opportunities. And guess what? That key speaker that spoke on “How To Make a Career out of a Major” just might be able to help you find a job for after graduation.

So, always make sure you read through those trash emails before deleting them. One of them just may include a key to your future, and you just might end up doing something you love.