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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marywood chapter.


The debate over whether the United States government should issue federal funding to controversial organization, Planned Parenthood has taken center stage in the political realm recently. Celebrities, college students and politicians alike are discussing the best course of action for the American people. Like in most things, we find ourselves to be caught up in the discussion and as per usual, we disagree on the best course of action.

Alexandra’s Take:

I have always been of the belief that if something is broken that the time to fix it is immediately and without delay, not continue to allow it to progress with little or no action not working at it’s full capability. So imagine my shock and concern that the federal government allows broken organizations continue to exist without remedy. Planned Parenthood has been embroiled in constant scandal for the last year as video after video has been released showing what truly happens behind the doors of the largest provider of abortions yet the government continues to fund an organization that is clearly participating in illegal activity.

Now, I am not denying the benefits of other services that Planned Parenthood provides including cancer screenings and prenatal care. However, for every adoption referral Planned Parenthood gives, they perform one hundred and seventy four abortions.

A key argument Planned Parenthood provides for the retention of tax dollars is that they offer healthcare at a low cost that would disappear for impoverished women. However, our tax dollars fund more than 1,200 health centers organizations with more than 8,000 locations in all 50 states. These federally funded institutions serve more than 23 million patients providing health care including lab tests, prenatal care, cancer screenings, family planning services, dental and mental health services, X-Rays and laboratory services. The services being offered by these additional organizations provide a range of services far superior to what Planned Parenthood offers. So remind me again why should my tax dollars should be funding an organization that is responsible for 1/3 of the nation’s abortions?

Well according to the Hyde Amendment (which was passed in 1976 in response to 1973’s Roe V. Wade), my tax dollars do not and can not directly fund abortion unless the pregnancy arises from rape, incest or if the mother’s life is in danger. However, my tax dollars can pay for the upkeep of Planned Parenthood locations and bookkeeping, allowing the organization to use additional money to continue with it’s abortion business. Additionally, more than one in ten of Planned Parenthood’s patients have had abortions.

Also worth noting is that Planned Parenthood does not submit a line item budget documenting exactly where these tax dollars, $528 million for the 2013-2014 year, are going. But, if there is clear evidence that an organization such as Planned Parenthood is harvesting and selling fetal tissue for a profit (which is illegal, I might add), why would the government continue funding said organization with a blind sense of optimism that abortions aren’t also being funded illegally? Whether or not you are for or against abortion, aren’t you concerned about what your tax dollars are being used for?

Shouldn’t the government be examining further where they are donating trillions of tax payer dollars instead of turning a blind eye? Isn’t that common sense? To be concerned about where your money is going and thus making sure it is being used properly? Also, why isn’t the government more concerned about evidence of illegal activity occurring within a government funded organization?

These are all vital questions that I feel the American people deserve to have answered. So, I ask and continue to encourage the federal government to fix what is not working, to further examine where my tax dollars are going and to defund Planned Parenthood.

Anna’s Take

Honestly, I understand why a majority of pro-life Republicans wish to stop funding Planned Parenthood. Just because I understand it, does not mean I agree with it. Planned Parenthood does perform abortions but that is not the only purpose. In fact, according to Dr. Sheryl A. Ross, an award winning OBGYN, over 93% of Planned Parenthood’s services are actually preventative. This includes birth control, cancer screenings, and even STD testing.

You might be thinking, “Ok, but why do my tax dollars have to go to funding Planned Parenthood?” Well, Planned Parenthood will not turn anyone away and in fact, over 90% of Planned Parenthood patients, in Los Angeles alone, rely on federal funding for their care. 

I honestly do not understand the huge push to defund Planned Parenthood. We should be pushing to defund other ridiculous organizations that all receive some type of government funding. Let us look at some of those…

In 2014, the federal government provided $473,000 to house 100 chimpanzees in a room with 100 typewriters for a year to see whether, with enough time, they could recreate the complete works of Tucker Max. Oh, and $331,000 to study whether “hanger” exists by testing whether spouses were more likely to stab a voodoo doll representing their significant other when they were hungry. 

Next, should we discuss the money that the government “lost”? In 2014, $4.2 billion was lost due to issuing tax returns to identity thieves! Oh, and $10 million lost in tax revenue by letting the “super-rich” rent out their homes tax free for up to two weeks.

Oh, and let us not forget $1.2 million to study if eating radioactive tuna caused by Fukushima will provide humans with mild superpowers…

I wish I were kidding.  We fund ridiculous projects like this and yet want to defund an organization that provides care to those who need it?

For the record, abortions make up about 3% of Planned Parenthood’s services. You may have heard that abortions make up 94% of Planned Parenthood services but that is false. That number actually encompasses all of Planned Parenthood’s pregnancy services, which includes adoption referrals and prenatal care. Also, according to Title X, federal funds cannot be used for abortions. The only exceptions to Title X, are cases of rape, incest, or health of the mother. Why are people trying to defund something that uses federal funds for things like STD testing and cancer screenings? There are so many positive aspects of funding Planned Parenthood, there is no way that we could defund it.

That is why I am standing with Planned Parenthood. Are you?


Alexandra Goebelbecker is a senior Advertising and Public Relations Major with a Comprehensive Social Science Minor. She co-founded Her Campus Marywood in April 2015 with McKensie Curnow. She makes up 1/2 of political column, Back to Back with co-author, Anna Notchick. In addition she is an intern at Condron Media, Student Activities Shadow, President of service sorority, Alpha Sigma Psi, Vice President of Marywood's Chapter of PRSSA and AAF, and LYM Campus Crew Member. Additionally she is a former  HC Campus Expansion Assistant and current High School Program Mentor.  Her passions include pop culture, popcorn and politics.   For more of Alexandra's Work: https://alexandrajgoebelbecker.wordpress.com