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5 Reasons Why Every Girl Longs for a Guy Best Friend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marymount chapter.

In life, some girls are lucky to be born with a brother that they are close to and can depend on. Others, like me, long for that relationship. While it is so wonderful to have a great group of tight girl friends, there is a longing in many girls’ hearts for a deep, friendship level, connection with a guy. Some girls find it early on in life, others wait many years, and a few just live vicariously through the cutesy opposite sex friendships on TV. Why is that though, that girls long for a guy best friend? It’s time to explain just that!


1) They’ll Respect You and Protect You 


On a day to day basis I can’t tell you how many times I get creepy looks from guys or a snide remark. When you have a guy best friend though, those comments and remarks don’t seem to happen. They have your back and will take another guy down in a heartbeat for you.  They also hate to see you heartbroken. To them you are like a sister and they want what is best for you. If a guy goes breaking your heart, you can believe your guy best friend will be right there to straighten him out or tell you why he wasn’t worth it. 

2) They can give you great (& real!) guy advice


Guys are the best experts on guy advice. By having a guy best friend, you are going straight to the source. They can tell you how a guy should treat you and how you should treat him in return. Forget trying to figure out if a guy likes you or not. Your guy best friend can decode him and his actions for you. You won’t be left wondering.

3) No Drama 


Because guys are usually pretty even keeled and mellow, there usually isn’t a lot of drama attached. They will tell you how it is and then move on. They very rarely hold grudges and don’t stay mad for long. If there is any sort of fight between you and your guy friend, it’s something that can be solved easily and most likely occurred because of miscommunication. 

4) He gives you a chance to be a little crazy


Sometimes when you are with your girls you don’t let loose as easily. You are afraid they might think you are crazy or just aren’t interested. For instance, I really enjoy being outdoors and playing pick-up games. Not all of friends enjoy that, but I know the guys are up for it anytime.  Guys also don’t care if you burp in front of them or just get a little crazy. They enjoy seeing that side of you. 

5) It Could End in Happily Ever After


Lastly, you never know what could happen between you in your guy best friend. It could stay just that, a friendship, or it could turn into something more. You just have to be careful not to forfeit your friendship for something that might not last. If all goes well though it could be forever. Like they say “most girls marry their best friend”.

So ladies, those are some of the main reasons why girls long for and enjoy having a guy best friend. It’s a different type of relationship, but it can be greatly fulfilling. In the end you never know what might happen.