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10 Things You Can do to Feel Better About Yourself

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marymount chapter.

With everything that we have going on in our lives, sometimes we neglect the most important thing that contributes to our successes: our own wellbeing. Luckily, there may be a remedy.

1.       Take a “bubble bath” (dorm style)

Bubble baths are probably one of the most relaxing things on this planet. Unfortunately, unless your dorm resides in a Hollywood movie you’re most likely stuck with either a community shower or the one you share with your roommate(s). So… what’s a girl to do? Foam Soap by Mr. Bubble is so much fun to lather up and play around in and it isn’t hard to find in a grocery store or drugstore. If that isn’t an option, take a hot shower with a loufa and plenty of sweet smelling body gel (Bath and Body Works have amazing scents) and just wash your cares away.

2.       Dance your Heart Out

It doesn’t matter if you think you are the worst dancer on the planet- put on your favorite song and just literally let go of any control you may have on yourself at that time. Singing along is optional.

3.       For every negative thought, create a positive thought

I’m sure that every girl can find at least 5 things that they don’t like about themselves: “My stomach is too puffy”, “My boobs are too small”, etc. This body-bashing does absolutely nothing for your well-being, especially your self-esteem. When you find yourself thinking those thoughts, write down one positive thought about yourself for every negative one you have. When you start focusing on the positive and what you do like, then your negative thoughts will have a lot less power over time.

4.       Surf the internet for relatable posts

There are so many websites these days with thousands of blog posts, news articles and gossip forums to get lost in. These articles will make you laugh, cry, and relate to what the person has to say. Knowing that someone else has the same fears or thoughts as you may bring a lot of comfort. My favorite sites are Buzzfeed, Thought Catalog, and, of course, Her Campus.

5.       Dream with Pinterest

If you don’t have a Pinterest account yet, get one. There is something so satisfying about having everything for your dream job, wedding, dorm, boyfriend etc. all in one place. It will inspire you to make those dreams a reality one day  and strive towards your goals.

6.       Exercise

Love it or hate it, exercise really does make you feel so much better, really. No matter what kind it is- running, walking, dancing, swimming, literally anything that gets your heart beating- after it’s over and the sweat is pouring down your face, you feel as though you can accomplish anything. Even if you have never exercised a day in your life, just a small walk around campus will bring you one step closer towards a happier you.

7.       Take a trip to Starbucks or a local coffee shop

Most coffee shops are known for being insanely homey with fluffy armchairs and a quiet atmosphere (excluding the horror that is rush hour). Order your favorite drink and work on homework, surf the internet, read your favorite book, or simply just people watch. Take the luxury to give yourself time to decompress from the worries of the day.

8.       Meditate


Whether it is yoga, stretching, breathing exercises, praying or writing in a journal, meditating has many definitions. The goal of meditation is to take time out of your day and find time to reflect on yourself while slowing down your pace of life. Just meditating for ten minutes a day will help you to feel more relaxed and at peace with your thoughts and who you are.

9.       Write a note to yourself to read after graduation

It’s never too late to write a letter to your future self. College can be so stressful with countless exams, papers, classes, and pointless drama with friends. But, one day you will graduate and find yourself in the “real world”, so to speak. Write to that person, the person you hope to be and the goals you hope to achieve. Futureme.org will email you your letter on the date you choose or you can just write it and store it somewhere safe until graduation.

10.   Laugh

Look up funny videos on YouTube, have a girl’s night with your best friend, or just watch a funny movie. Laughter really is the best medicine and sometimes there isn’t a better feeling than laughing so hard your stomach hurts.


Smile girly, it’s all good.