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Why I Chose Staymester Instead of Studying Abroad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

Being in college, life is one decision after another. Am I going to go the gym today? Will I have oatmeal or leftover pizza for breakfast? Am I going to do my homework or go out tonight? All of these decisions usually end up not having a long-term effect (unless you have pizza every morning for breakfast, then you will see some change).

After your parents drop you off at your on-campus dorm your first day, your life is fully in your hands. Nobody is their to force you to do your homework anymore or help you with those every day decisions, your life is fully yours to operate. Now this is all fun and games until you have to make some pretty hard decisions on your own. Sure you can always call your parents, or if you live close enough, you can drive home for their help. But at the end of the day, you are the pilot of your own life and future.

This leads me to the topic of this post. Last year, I had to make one of the hardest decisions in my college career. I had the fortunate opportunity to take a semester and spend it learning abroad, thousands of miles away. Now some of you are probably thinking, wow no brainer, I’d leave the construction filled town of College Park in a heart beat!

Then there are the students who don’t feel as strongly. Being in a foreign country for 3-5 months is scary! You will be completely out of your comfort zone, away from friends and family, and probably no more Chik-fil-a Saturday morning runs with all your besties.

For me, this as the hardest decision in college so far, but I think it was one of the most mature decisions I ever made.

I ended up staying in College Park that semester while most of my close friends and roommates decided to explore their abroad opportunities. This was a hard decision, but I learned so much about myself that semester I couldn’t be more grateful.

I took full advantage of my lack of friend group and started to branch out. I made friends with all the younger and older girls in my sorority and was able to get close to these girls I never would have if I was still around the same girls all the time.

I was also able to excel in school that semester. I had less distractions and was able to prioritize my education. I paid more attention in my classes, I spent more time going to office hours, in the end I learned to take more advantage of the resources offered.

Finally, I used my extra time to get an internship. This was the biggest help of all. With the hands on experience in my desired field, I was able to boost my resume and get hired for my dream summer internship!

At the end of the semester, when all my close friends came back, I realized how much I had missed them but I also realized I had learned so much more about myself. When faced with difficult decisions I was able to excel in my education and build the start to my career. I was able to branch out of my comfort zone and make new friends. I still hope to travel abroad one day, but I think I will leave all the class work behind. 




Sophomore Communication major with a passion for beads and Diet Coke.