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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

If I had a time machine 

I’d go back

Back to when you got excited to see my name pop up on your screen

Back to when I couldn’t wait to see you after class

Back to forgetting about our responsibilities and wasting the day

Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

I wanna go back

To when you wanted me around 

To when you picked me up after class

To when you talked to me when something was wrong

But those days are long gone 

Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash

So I sit in the present day

And I can’t go back

And I still get excited to see your name pop up on my screen

And I still want to see you every day

And I still want you around 

And I still waste my days without you

Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

for a writer i'm pretty bad at writing about myself
Audrey graduated from the University of Maryland College Park with a major in Broadcast Journalism and a minor in Information Sciences. She was born and raised in Jakarta, Indonesia. She loves to travel around the world and always has her camera ready to capture everything so follow her on Instagram @audreynwid. Her life motto is 'Don't be afraid to defy the auds, pun intended.' Her furry partner in crime is a Shiba Inu named Hibiki who is quite the model and loves to go hiking. Check him out on Instagram @hibibblekiki