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7 Ways to Make Your Summer Productive

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marshall chapter.

Summer is the best time of the year. We get months of school off (minus the summer classes) to do so many different things. What things should be done in summer? The list could go on, but here are the 7 best (productive) things to do during summer:

1. Work

Whether it’s the regular 9-5 day job or fetching coffee for an internship, the best way to have a productive summer is to put yourself to work. An hourly job provides an opportunity to bring in some much-needed cash (because who doesn’t always need cash), and you will be working toward a goal each day. Internships, even the ones where you just run errands all day, put you in the middle of the work you may want to do someday. They allow the chance to make connections and learn the insides of a particular industry. Spending your summer months working your life away may not seem like the ideal way to spend the break, but the payout, both monetary and in experience, will be worth it. 

2. Read a book

Everyone should read at least one book over the course of a summer. Not only does reading engage your brain and keep you feeling more awake than idly laying on the beach, but it also allows you to take yourself to another world. Whether it’s science-fiction, romance, motivational, adventure or any other genre, the experience of reading a good book is one everyone should have. What better time than summer to have that experience! Plus, you can’t watch Netflix by the pool. 

3. Follow a routine

Hanging around the house doing nothing is the easiest way to watch your summer drift away like it never happened. Structuring your days, evenly loosely, will help motivate and inspire you to make the summer months productive. Start out easily with a set time to wake up or go to sleep. 

4. Reorganize your life

There is no better time to do a complete life makeover than during the summer. Clean out your desk, reorganize your closet, rearrange your furniture. Even the miserable task of deep cleaning your entire apartment can leave you feeling refreshed and more at home. 

5. Volunteer

There are countless ways to get involved in your community, to raise awareness for a cause, or to just help someone who needs it. Volunteering takes away so little of your time, especially in the summer, and it can make a lasting impact in both your own life and those of the ones you helped. Not to mention its effects on your resume and individual connections. 

6. Take on a project or hobby

We’ve all wanted to create something at some point, whether it’s remaking an art project you saw on Pinterest or learning to play the guitar. Make your summer more efficient by accomplishing these goals. You have the time, now just apply the motivation. You will feel a great sense of accomplishment when you do. 

7. Go on a road trip

There’s no better way to have the full summer experience than to go on a road trip. Whether it’s a trip to an amusement park, a national landmark or just around town, if you have a blasting stereo, a perfect playlist and a camera, it’s all about the journey, not the destination. You can go alone or with your best friends, just jump in the car and go.

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Codi Mohr


Codi is a senior print journalism major whose one and only interest is pop culture. She is currently working as Executive Editor at Marshall University's student newspaper, The Parthenon. When she's not working with the paper, she can be found fangirling over her latest music/movie obsession, Pentatonix or Beyoncé.