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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marquette chapter.

We all want to get older, but we don’t realize that the people around us are aging as well. We think that the people who have always been a part of our lives will always be there, that the time we share with each other is infinite. But that is not how it works. Time continues with and without us, and sometimes it feels like it has completely stopped. It is all about perspective. 

When the passing of a loved one occurs, you look at the time before, during, and after. The moments you shared, the memories you’ve made, the scents of the loved one, special locations, and everything about that person makes up so much of the time before. During and after go hand in hand. It’s a time of loss, mourning, sadness, and confusion. Time almost stops. Your head swirls with what if’s, should’ve dones, and things you should have or shouldn’t have said. Everything around you reminds you of them. You have to stop yourself each time you have the urge to call them. Each person mourns and deals with mourning in their own way. 

In time, we all learn to live on. Constantly returning to the time before and always having a special place in our heart for our loved ones who have passed. 

When my grandmother passed, it was as if our whole family crumbled to the ground. She was the guiding light of our family. She was the one who picked you up when you were down, gave us the courage to take on all things, and helped build our faith. She was never without a smile, and I know that when she passed, she would not one of us to be saddened. She would want us to celebrate her life and the time we shared with her. Each one of my family members have our own special memories with her that we will forever cherish. 

I think that is truly what all of the relatives who have passed would want. They wouldn’t want to see us sad. They would want us to celebrate the time we had with them because some time is better than no time. 

Noel Kruse

Marquette '22

la vita é bella
Emma McDevitt

Marquette '20

Hello, I am Emma McDevitt! I am a Junior at Marquette University and studying Marketing & Advertising.