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Power of Meditation

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marquette chapter.

I decided to challenge myself this semester. Every night before I go to bed, I decided to try and meditate. Meditation has always been difficult for me, but I decided to give it a try since many people speak on the power of meditation and how it builds empathy and joy and can promote living in the moment. 

    After a hard day of studying or classes, as I am getting ready to fall asleep, I use the app Simple Habit to run me through a five-minute meditation session. Some of the sessions are for stressful days, while others center around building gratitude and empathy. Sometimes I think about how lying in bed at the end of the day and having these five minutes of meditation can be the only time of the time where I am simply with my thoughts and can decompress from the day. 

    The app often urges me to become of my body, something I am not very good at. It allows you to feel the sensations in your feet and pay attention to your breathing. Paying attention to the rhythm of my breath helps me feel calm and relaxed, and puts my day in perspective. In fact, when I was meditating yesterday, the meditation app focused on how the deep breaths you are taking should be the only thing that matters in the moment. 

    When I think about the deep breathes in that way, it helps me build gratitude, and realize the next day if a new beginning, and a new chance. I tend to realize that even if it was a long or unproductive day, tomorrow will be better. Taking those five minutes to be just with myself can be a productive way to start or end a day.  

    Honestly, I have always been skeptical of meditation. It is difficult to clear your mind for even five minutes a day, and it should not be that way. So now, I have a new goal. I hope to become so adept at the skill of meditating that I am able to know my body and become able to rid my mind of thoughts and distractions for this short amount of time each day. Since it does center and relax me, I truly do believe it is a gift that is helpful to whoever may want to decompress from their day, if only given a try. 

I am a freshman at Marquette University, majoring in political science and journalism. I am from Oak Park, which is a suburb of Chicago, and am so excited to be writing for Her Campus!
Emma McDevitt

Marquette '20

Hello, I am Emma McDevitt! I am a Junior at Marquette University and studying Marketing & Advertising.