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The Top Five Questions I Get Asked About My Nose Piercing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marist chapter.

By Margaret Price

I had been contemplating getting my nose pierced for years. Something about an understated, glistening nose stud was so appealing to me. It says “I’m cool and edgy,” without being too in-your-face and without the permanence of a tattoo. Finally this past summer, I decided to pull to trigger—or should I say, stick a needle through my nostril. I have to admit,I was not prepared for what ensued. Especially directly following my piercing, everyone was asking so many questions. Here are the top five questions I’ve been asked, and I suspect other girls who have had their noses pierced have been, too.

1.     “Did it hurt?”

This is certainly the question I get the most. And I asked too. I was doing my research before deciding if I could handle it, too. As for pain, the piercing process itself didn’t hurt half as much as I was expecting. It felt like a pinch or a shot at the doctor’s office. But I built it up in my head so much that just the anticipation was painful enough. Re-watching the video my friends took of the piercing, I stayed very calm and collected. The piercer at the tattoo shop promised me it would be quick and he was right. It was over before I even knew it. Before the needle went in, the piercer handed me a few tissues. When I asked what they were for, he told me my eyes were going to involuntarily start watering. To my surprise they did not, which leads me to believe I may be a special case where it did not hurt.In the days following, it also didn’t hurt often, unless the stud was snagged on my clothes when changing or I put pressure on it. This didn’t last long though, within a week I did not even notice it was there. The only issue I had was a small blister or bubble formed on the underside of the piercing. It did not hurt I simply did not like the way it looked. After some research I discovered this is perfectly normal and could last up to 6 months after a new piercing. That explains why I feel it some days even now. It is essential to be diligent about cleaning a new piercing. It is important to let your new piercing be and not try to drain it but simply leave it alone and clean it.  


2.     “Do you like it?”

I never understood why people asked me if I liked my new piercing. Of course I love it! I am showing it off and smiling, what more evidence could I give you?



3.     “What did your parents say?”

My parents did not know I was getting my nose pierced. I did not tell them before, because I was going to do it anyway. At least this way I wasn’t going against their word. I had dropped some hints to my mom, she must have had an idea that it was coming. But I was away for the summer, so they did not know when it would. Right after the deed was done I jokingly sent my mom a text reading, “Do you love me unconditionally?” After she suspiciously replied “Why do you ask?” I sent a selfie with my new jewel. As for my dad, I was more nervous to break the news to him. He found out when I posted a picture on Instagram. They were skeptical at first, but I assured them I would not keep it in forever. Mom and Dad have come around and even told me it looks cute, so we’re good!


4.     “Have you changed the stud?”

No, I haven’t changed or taken out the piercing, on purpose. About a week ago, I was sitting up from a nap when the stud snagged on my pillow case and came out. I frantically tried to get it back in before I had to leave for class. I was successful and quicker than I thought, too. Reinserting it hurt a little bit. The angle is uncomfortable, because the stud curves inside. Now that I have done it once by accident, I may consider putting in a hoop or a different stud. There is a world of options.


5.     “Does it hurt if your nose is itchy?”

You would be surprised how often nose itching question comes up! Fear of losing the ability to itch your nose holds a lot of people back from getting their nose pierced. To answer this question, at first it did hurt a bit. I would get nervous touching the site too much, because it was sensitive and I did not want to get it dirty. However, not to worry, now that I’m used to it and it’s healed I rub my nose like normal!

Lastly, this isn’t quite a question, but upon showing people my piercing I often heard “I could never pull it off—I mean you totally rock it, but…” or “I don’t want to put any holes in my face.” Any piercing is a big decision and you should put thought into making it, but I do not plan on my nose piercing being permanent. I have not entered the professional world yet, so for me, it was the perfect time for me to get it. I can take out the piercing at any time and let it close, no one would ever know there was a hole. My piercing will never hold me back!