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The Post Abroad Blues as Told by the Kardashians

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marist chapter.

Remember when we went abroad and peaked? (tbh that was the caption of my last instagram throwback).

We ate THE best food (unfortunately, it shows but like YOAO – you only abroad once).

We acted like legitimate European kings and queens.

And we redefined SQUAD GOALS.

So coming back to Poughkeepsie I was like:

And now I’m stumbling around campus completely lost.

Who are all of you people? Where did that science building come from?

It’s hit me. I’ve come down with the post abroad blues.

At this point, professors should feel honored if I show up to class.

And Darby’s, yeah…you won’t see me there.

Nope, I’ll be in bed. Scrolling through Facebook pictures. Soaking my laptop in my tears.

Because the spring abroaders WON’T STOP posting instagrams of my favorite places.


Now that I’m back I actually have to TRY on social media again.

Send me back!!! No seriously, Mom, please buy me a plane ticket.

Because I know that if you went abroad you’re screaming, “PREACH” right now.

And if you didn’t, you’re thinking:

TomAYto, TomAHto. But really…why didn’t you go abroad?

I'm a an English major, journalism and creative writing minor, puppy enthusiast, smoothie lover, from San Antonio, Texas. I am a junior at Marist College and an avid user of the panda face emoji.