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It’s the Most Stressful Time of the Year: 5 Tips to Survive

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marist chapter.

During these upcoming weeks, the weather is cold and so are our hearts. The most dreaded time of the year is coming and it’s scarier than you can even imagine. Finals week is a dark time where ten page papers, presentations and exams are dancing like sugar plum fairies and standing in our way of the blissful winter break and holidays.

But have no fear! With these 5 finals preparation tips you’ll survive finals week without a problem.

1. Plan it out.

Map out the due dates of all of your projects and assignments so you can see what to tackle first. Don’t forget to plan for time to study for tests, practice your presentations and finalize papers.

2. Get comfortable.

 Wear your coziest sweats and pajamas and make a cup of tea. Get so snuggly and comfortable with your textbooks and assignments that you won’t even want to stop studying. Think about it—when you’re cozy in your bed do you want to get up? Nope. If you’re cozy and you’re studying you’ll probably be less inclined to get up and procrastinate.

3. Tackle group projects ASAP.

The problem with group projects is having to trust and rely on other people while also working with their schedules and your own. Plan any group meetings for final projects as soon as possible—group projects are the worst thing to save until last minute. Get ahold of your group members and make a plan as soon as you can.

4. Stock up on healthy foods.

You’re going to need ultimate brain power for these upcoming weeks. Be sure to stock up on food to avoid the stresses of grocery shopping and have healthy study snacks readily available.

5. Make pre-finals week or post-finals week plans.

More motivation to power through finals! During finals week it’s going to be hard to socialize and see all of your friends. Make plans before and after so you don’t have to stress about staying in touch and being social while also studying and completing a bunch of papers.

Good luck! The most wonderful time of the year will be here before you know it.

An avid lover of writing who offers a broad choice of sarcastic comments, endless rants and teenage girl musings and who probably knows too much information about pugs and make-up. Paige is passionate about writing, nail designs, and being fabulous for every occasion and mood in her life whether it’s the half-awake and sassy looks during the day or looking half-awake and sleep-ready for her nights. . She might actually be the goddess of a religion that has yet to be discovered. What a time to be alive.