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10 Things Sorority Girls are Tired of Hearing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marist chapter.

It’s a well-known fact that sorority life isn’t for everyone. It’s expensive, it’s time consuming, it’s exhausting, and sometimes you want to rip your sisters’ heads off. At the end of the day, you love them, and you love what you do (why would you pay an arm and a leg if you didn’t?). Unfortunately, thanks to pop culture and sensational news stories, Greek life has developed a bad reputation in the eyes of those who aren’t involved. At Marist College—a campus of 6,474 as of 2015—only about 2% of the student population is involved in Greek life. Altogether, there are only seven recognized Greek organizations on campus (three fraternities, four sororities).

Now, usually my letters don’t garner much attention. Why would they? But…every so often, there’s one person who sees the vibrant Greek alphabet stretched proudly across my chest, and they have questions. Or comments. And they really, really want me to hear them. At first, it was easy to shake off. After a while, it all gets pretty repetitive.

1. “So…you’re basically paying for friends.” 

My personality isn’t that bad…I can make friends on my own, thank you very much.

2. “Sororities are just expensive social clubs.” 

Tell that to my growing resume.

3. “All you do is drink and party.”

Between big little week, dues, school, and groceries, I wish I had the money and time to party.

4. “Anyone can get into a sorority. It’s not like it’s hard.” 

No comment.

5. “Don’t you guys make people run around campus naked and tie them to trees?” 

It’s also pretty damn humiliating. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.

6. “Sorority girls are just brainless zombies.” 

Kamala Harris, Condoleezza Rice, Sophia Bush, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Lucy Liu, Katie Couric, and Mariska Hargitay wouldn’t agree with that. But okay.

7. “Sororities are cultish.” 

We’re only allowed to say that. You can’t.

8. “You’re never going to talk to these people again after college, so why bother?” 

Most of the women I know are tighter than siblings. They travel together, meet each other’s families, and some end up attending one another’s weddings. Sometimes things last post-grad.

9. “Sorority girls are just preppy snobs.” 

I’m pretty sure most of my sorority sisters know what Hogwarts house they’d be sorted into. #RavenclawPride

10. “Sorority girls just talk to their sisters and exclude everyone else!” 

It’s just like any other friend group. Even though we all love each other, a break from your sisters is a much-needed thing. Sometimes outside friends can be a breath of fresh air.

Naja is currently a senior pursuing her English degree with a concentration in writing. You'll most likely find Naja in the Marist College library, with a large coffee, scribbling madly in her worn out journal. When she's not writing, Naja is actively scouring every bit of pop culture gossip she can find and exploring various genres of music. She is also an avid traveler (when given the chance). Naja has a deep belief in positive exploration, self-reflection, and the freedom to explore all that life has to offer!