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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

Whether it’s on a Sunday, or during the week, rainy days can make us all feel sluggish. However, there are many ways to help yourself get into the groove and function productively during dreary weather. Here are some ways to stay productive on rainy days.

Have a Cleaning Day

Rainy days usually call for staying inside. In this case, staying inside means taking care of the space around you. Do the laundry you’ve been procrastinating all week to do. Fold your clothes & take out the trash. By having your way of fixing up and cleaning your space, you stay on your toes throughout the day. Search around your room for garbage and places to sweep/dust. These activities are usually time-consuming, which will help you stay productive, no matter what time of the day it is!

Try Some New Makeup Looks

When in college, we discover techniques that we may later use. If you’re interested in makeup and beauty, trying some new makeup looks helps you stay busy, while also benefiting you for future occasions. Look at Pinterest or VSCO for makeup inspiration. You can try new eyeshadow, face, brows, or any new look you want. Keep boards or tabs open of looks for your future rainy days as well.


When you’re inside all day, it gives you a lot of freedom to have alone time. Let yourself glow by letting yourself rejuvenate. Leave a facemask on for 10 minutes to let your skin glow. Take a long shower and deep condition your hair with a leave-in conditioner/hair serum. If you have an organized skincare routine, go through that extensively to treat your skin, as well as yourself. Use an oil diffuser (If you own one) to add a relaxing mood to your productivity

Do a mini-workout

While being at college, I have experimented with learning which workouts I could do in my room. The occasion in which I do these is usually on rainy days! For abs, try rainbow crunches or rowers. If you have a carpet in your room, you can lay down and do these workouts on it. For glutes, try rounds of 20 squats/ forward & backward lunges. I would suggest doing these in front of a mirror in your room. Do as many rounds as you like, and experiment with what works for you!  


Colette Barron

Manhattan '23

Hi! I’m Colette and I’m from Long Island NY. I’m a Junior and I’m a communication major with a concentration in public relations with a minor in psychology. I’m interested in fitness, health & wellness, beauty as well as fashion and thrifting! I’m excited to be part of HerCampus at MC! :)
Michaela is a Childhood Education Major with Concentrations in Math and Spanish at Manhattan College. She will be continuing her studies in the Masters program at Manhattan, and earn a Masters Degree in Special Education. She was a member of Her Campus at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA and is now the Campus Correspondent and Senior Editor at Manhattan! She is beyond excited to be a Jasper and that she found her home at MC!