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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

Now that the world is becoming more “normal,” we may find ourselves feeling stressed and overwhelmed easily. The change back to in-person classes, work, meetings, and life after such a long period of isolation can be hard as we try to find our groove again. It’s super important to care for yourself throughout your busy schedule and there are many ways to do so! 

  1. Physical self-care: It is very important that during the day we set time for our bodies. This may include getting the recommended 8 hours of sleep, counting how much physical activity our body is receiving, or just making sure that you are eating and fueling your body correctly. It is majorly important that we take care of our bodies, that way they can keep running efficiently.
  1. Mental self-care: During the day we may find ourselves wondering and worrying about different tasks, whether it be from school or work. It is important to fill your mind with positive thoughts because surprisingly enough the way we think greatly influences our psychological well-being. Mental mind games can help to strengthen and sharpen our minds. You might find that reading or doing puzzles can distract you from your stress and can also help you maintain a healthy inner dialogue.
  1. Social self-care: You may find that it becomes hard to make time for friends and family when our lives get busy. Connections that we form are also very important for our self-care. By maintaining relationships it gives us time to put our energy into something else besides work and school. The key is to figure out what your social needs are and to build time in your schedule to create time for your social life.

I hope these self care tips help you de-stress and ease the transition back into in-person activities.

Jennifer (Jenn) Guilbeault is a Junior at Manhattan College. Jenn is a communication major with the concentration of public relations and has a minor in psychology. Jenn is also apart of the sorority on campus, Sigma Delta Tau, secretary for SoNYC, and is apart of Lotus Magazine. When Jenn is not in class or doing homework you can find her traveling, shopping, exercising, eating anything/ everything in sight, and hanging out with friends and family.