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Second Semester Struggles: As Told By Forrest Gump

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

As the semester is quickly winding down, there are so many things to look forward to. Not only is summer just a few short weeks away, but so is the freedom of not having to go to class and taking adventures to the beach whenever you please. But before we bask in the sweet sunshine of summertime, we must suffer through final papers, senior thesis papers, finals week and of course, the struggle to the finish line of the semester. Forrest Gump, the infamous and admirabely perserverant character from “Forrest Gump” is here to help us understand our second semester struggles and ultimately here to show us all that, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.”

When you spend so much time in the library working on final papers and studying for final exams you forget how to function as a normal human being and people ask this about you.. 

Forrest completely understands when the best part of your day is indulging in all the ice cream you could eat!

When you have so much homework and unnecessary stress you just run from all of your problems… granted I can’t run for ten minutes let alone 3 years, 2 months, 14 days and 16 hours, but Forrest understands running from your problems.

And then the weekend finally comes and we drink as much as Forrest did on his trip to the White House.

We start spending so much time doing homework, studying and planning for next year we forget to have a social life.

And somehow when the teacher calls on you in class your mind is so full and stressed the only thing that comes to mind is…

Fly far far away from responsibility!

And then when your teachers sends out an email cancelling class…

But somewhere along the way we learn to enjoy the stresses and craziness of college because…

Aspiring mermaid, professional food tester and napper, but for now I'll stick to writing. Manhattan College Campus Correspondent!