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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

As a commuter college student, I spend a lot of time in my car listening to music. But, I often get bored of the same few playlists. Especially since my commute to school can take upwards of an hour depending on traffic, listening to podcasts is a fun way to switch things up. I love self-help podcasts, especially those of my favorite social media influencers. I’ve also found some really interesting ones that keep me engaged while I’m stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic. Here are just a few of my go-to’s. 

Moments Podcast

Lexi Hidalgo, a social media influencer, makes my long drives or hot girl walks feel like a deep phone call with a close friend. On this self-help podcast, Hidalgo not only offers up great advice in all areas of life, but makes listeners feel less alone in their struggles, thoughts, and emotions. Her friendly and honest attitude makes me feel understood, and she speaks on so many things that I feel and experience as a young woman like body image, friendship, and mental health struggles. With Lexi, you are not just listening to a podcast, you will also feel heard.

Miss Congeniality

Miss Congeniality is a comedy podcast hosted by Eli Rallo, an NYC journalist and social media influencer, about the ins and outs of being a woman in this day and age. Another one where I feel like I’m catching up with a friend over the phone, this podcast takes on pop culture news, lifestyle tips, silly shared experiences women can relate to, as well as more serious topics like mental health. Her bubbly personality and casual story-telling style keep me entertained and an hour flies by just like it would when you’re with friends. 

Beautiful Stories from Anonymous People (Beautiful Anonymous)

This podcast is my absolute favorite. Hosted by Chris Gethard, a comedian and writer from New Jersey, Beautiful Anonymous uses the same formula but tells a different story each episode. Anonymous callers get to chat with Gethard about anything they’d like for around one hour, sometimes more, sometimes less. I love this podcast because I never know what to expect from episode to episode. Sometimes I’m laughing along with the caller and other times I’m tearing up listening to their stories. This podcast shows how open and honest people are when there are no names, and no strings attached. 

There are so many other podcasts I could list, but these few are my guaranteed crowd-pleasers, whether you need advice, want to giggle, or just enjoy listening to stranger’s stories.

Valentina Grgin

Manhattan '25

I am a junior at Manhattan College studying English and Communication!