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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

By Emily Gianni


“Verity” is such a good read, by far one of the most twisted books I have read.  The ending is open ended, leaving room for the reader’s interpretation.  This book is about an author named Lowen, who has to go into Verity Crawford’s home to finish her book series.  After a fatal accident, Verity is no longer able to finish her books and Lowen must read through all of her notes to understand what direction the books were supposed to go.  I loved reading this book because it goes from Verity’s writings to real life with Lowen interacting with the real world.

“All Your Perfects”

“All Your Perfects” is tied for my number one spot of Colleen Hoover books with “Verity.”  This is a complicated love story bouncing between the past and present of Quinn and Graham’s relationship.  During their past, their relationship was new, exciting, and ‘perfect,’ in comparison to present time, where Quinn and Graham live with a broken relationship, near to a divorce.  This book shows where their relationship went wrong, asking the question: will their relationship be able to be saved?  This book is perfect in the way it is written and it makes you look at love differently.  It also made me cry so much. Like WAY too much.

“It Ends With Us”

Of course, the classic “It Ends With Us” is on the top of my list for Co Ho books.  This book is another love story that shows Lily being in love during her childhood years with Atlas, as well as being in love with Ryle post college.  Lily and Ryle’s relationship is challenged because Atlas accidentally reenters her life.  Lily is forced to choose between her past and present, what will she choose?  I love this book because there is a little bit of a love triangle, both men being in love with Lily.  Ryle also complicates the story because of the way he lets his past affect his adult life.  I finished this book quickly to see who she would end up choosing. 

Emily Gianni

Manhattan '24

Hi I'm Emily! I am in my Senior Year at Manhattan College, graduating in Spring 2024. I am studying Childhood Special Education with an upward extension to middle school with a double major in English. My goal in life is to teach elementary school and later on, teach middle school. Although I don't have a position in my Her Campus chapter, I am still an active writer for Her Campus! I write about all different topics for Her Campus, anything that interests me or that I believe other girls will find useful and informational. I am a team captain on the Manhattan College cheerleading team, so I may write about that sometimes. I also love sorority rush season so I have written about my sorority a few times. I believe that Her Campus is an amazing source for women to put their work out there and influence other girls. I love being a part of this organization and being able to write about whatever I love. This is the best outlet for me to learn more about my writing style, experiment with different topics that I would not be allowed to write about in a class, and grow as a writer.