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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

Midterms are arguably the worst part of the semester. All of the stress of finals but no promise of a lengthy break to follow them. Once you make it through the dreaded week or two, you realize you have to continue working hard for two more months. Things were looking bleak this midterm season but fortunately, Drake gets it and has released a video we can all relate to.  “Hotline Bling” has many…uh…interesting choreography choices and thankfully just as all of your questionable decisions have been carefully documented and catalogged on social media by your best friends, the internet has immortalized Drake’s dance moves.  Below are a few instances in which “Hotline Bling” might as well be your life during midterms week. 


 “How is it midterms?! The semester JUST started! Oh well, here goes nothing…”

When you indulge in your “I just crushed my Philosophy midterm” happy dance. 

Trying -and failing- to copy the answers of the smart kid next to you in Calculus. 

Drake or me trying to head to the library but being forced to turn around because I forgot a book? I cant tell.

15 minutes before the test that could make or break your GPA and you see no solution other than getting real spiritual. 

What study sessions with your best friends eventually dissipate into

When your parents call you to check up and you successfully convince them that you’re not completely drowning in unfinished responsibilities. Oh, and you have two phones. 

Rushing out of your last final like 

FINALLY! You’ve handed in every paper, filled out every last multiple choice bubble and suffered through the dreaded group presentation. Now you can finally get some sleep. 



Writer. Feminist. Lover of iced coffee, dogs and all things cheetah print.