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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

If you’re like me, you’re one of the many people who suffers from having a permanently angry expression or “resting bitch face,” as we millennials have coined it. I say “suffer” because if you don’t have it, you have no idea how aggravating it is to live with. I’m consistently being told to cheer up and smile more when I’m perfectly happy. I don’t mean by my family or friends, but I mean complete strangers. Along with that, people pass judgment quickly because of my face, saying I’m stuck up or, as the name would imply, a bitch. On more than one occasion, I’ve actually met people who’ve told me that they’ve seen me on campus and felt that I was “unapproachable” or that they thought I “hated them” because I always looked so mad. This problem needs to be brought to the public’s attention because the more people that know about it, the more people may take it into account before assuming everyone with this face is evil. Give justice to RBF, because I’m sick and tired of having to explain myself.