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Finals Week And Vacation As Described By ‘Elf’

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

1. That moment when you want to watch the 25 Days of Christmas but you know that you have way too much work to do:

“Not now, Arctic Puffin!”

2. Trying to explain to your teacher why you’re late to lab:

“I passed through the seven levels of the Candy Cane forest, through the sea of swirly twirly gumdrops, and then I walked through the Lincoln Tunnel.”

3. Trying to justify your bad eating habits:

“[I] try to stick to the main four groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns, and syrup!”

4. Leaving your last final to go home for Christmas:

“Santa! Oh my God! Santa’s coming!”

5. When your train ticket says the train will leave at 3 but it’s 3:30 and you still haven’t left:

“You sit on a throne of lies!”

6. When your mom buys you a horrible dress for Christmas but you have to pretend that you actually like it:

“That’s a nice purple dress. Very purpley.”

7. Trying to cheer your friends up as they’re suffering during finals week:

“[Insert name], you have such a pretty face… You should be on a Christmas card!”

8. That amazing moment when the workers at Starbucks finally find the perfect ratio of milk and sugar for your coffee:

“You did it! Congratulations! World’s best cup of coffee!”

9. Trying to cram everything in with your friends while you’re all home:

“I thought maybe we could make ginger bread houses, and eat cookie dough, and go ice skating, and maybe even hold hands!”

10.Walking out of your final realizing you made a huge mistake that messed up your entire test:

“I’m a cotton-headed ninny-muggins!”

11. When you cannot possibly create a thesis for your final research paper:

“What about this: a tribe of asparagus children, but they’re self-conscious about the way their pee smells…”

12. You miss your dog so much that every dog you see makes your day:

“So, good news… I saw a dog today.”

13. Saying goodbye to your roommate for a month:

“I know I sound like a broken record but we are buddies… You’re my best friend… That’s it, you’re my best friend.”

14. Trying to justify spending $50 on an Uber rather than a taxi:

“The yellow ones don’t stop…”

15. Running out of your dorm at 7:57 to make your 8 AM class across campus and stubbing your toe on your desk chair:


16. When the cute guy that you sat next to all semester says to have a great break as you’re leaving your final:

“I’m in love, I’m in love, and I don’t care who knows it!”

17. That moment when someone asks the teacher a question during the final but you can’t hear the teacher’s response:

“I like to whisper too!”

18. Buying gifts for your friends and your favorite song comes on:

“I’m in a store AND IM SINGIIIIIING!”

19. Procrastinating has you like:

“I painted a picture of a butterfly!”