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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

By Christina Rella

As a college student, it is almost impossible to not be busy. There’s a fine line between being busy and being burnt out, and the latter is sometimes unavoidable. This being said, just because burnout may seem unavoidable does not mean that it’s normal; it can be hard to differentiate between burnout and regular busyness.

What does burnout look like?

  • Thoughts of failure or self-doubt
  • Feelings of defeat, detachment, or loneliness
  • Loss of motivation
  • Constant exhaustion
  • Decreased satisfaction

And these are just to name a few. It’s so important to recognize that these feelings are not normal and you shouldn’t force yourself to believe they are. Sometimes burnout can feel impossible to avoid, but you are in control of your life and it’s up to you to make changes where needed.

Especially as college students, life can become overwhelming; communication is something that can help avoid burnout. Whether you can talk to friends, professors, or even a therapist, speaking about what is overwhelming you can be extremely helpful. Communication can be the difference between your professor giving you extra time for your project and not. Speak up about what you need to live a healthy life!

Remember to take time for yourself. While school and responsibilities are important, YOU are more important! The state of yourself and your health is the determining factor for the success of the rest of your life. If living a burnout-free life means taking a day to rest and rejuvenate, allow yourself to; you’re in control of the timing of your life! Change what isn’t working for you because you can! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

While it’s different for everyone, check-in on yourself to see if you might be experiencing burnout and do something about it! No one deserves to live a life they aren’t happy about. The first step to a happier and healthier life is acknowledging what’s wrong, so be honest with yourself. Burnout isn’t normal!

Christina Rella

Manhattan '23

Christina Rella is an Integrated Marketing major at Manhattan College with a minor in Business! She’s lived in New York her whole life and loves to travel to the city. Christina is also a member of the Manhattan College Dance Team as a dancer and Social Media Coordinator!