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7 Feelings You Have When Getting a Test Back

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

You’ve studied for that one test for maybe 12 hours now (give or take) so you feel as confident as can be. Maybe you even finish before everyone else because you were able to remember the answers you wrote down on your flashcards perfectly. Then, a few days later you get that test back… maybe it’s good or maybe it’s bad, but we all feel someway once professors start passing back tests with their red marks littered throughout.

1. Joy

You did it! Countless hours spent on Quizlet Flashcards paid off. You deserve a reward for doing so well on that test and studying so hard, so go buy yourself that Starbucks or maybe give yourself some freetime to relax.

2. Sadness

Maybe you didn’t do as well as you wanted to, partially because you didn’t really want to study or put it off, etc. Whatever the reason was, you kind of accept this score and vow to yourself that you will not let this happen again.

3. Anger

Regardless of how long you studied for, your professor still didn’t think your answers were good enough! When there’s no partial credit given, that’s when the anger boils up inside us.

4. Jealousy

Instead of crying at your own score, you start being nosy and look at other peoples tests. Then, you glimpse at the one student who said they didn’t study and their score is better than yours! Of course it is, ugh.

5. Nothing

This test score makes you feel completely indifferent because you want nothing to do with it and if you do stress out too much about it, it’ll just make you a lot more upset. So just brush it off, you’ll do better next time.

6. Excitement

No. WAY! You killed it! You want to jump up and down around the classroom and give your teacher a big hug because you aced that test like it was your job!

7. Satisfaction

When you get back your test and see the score, you sort of nod to yourself since you expected it. Not too bad, it’ll do.

Class of 2019. Communication Major. Film Studies/Digital Media Art Minor. Maryland girl exploring NYC and writing all about it! Follow me on Instagram: @taylorbrethauer and Twitter: @itstaybytheway Stalk my photography blog here: throughtaylorsviewfinder.tumblr.com