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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lynn chapter.

This past year my confidence and self-esteem have grown so much. I’ve become more independent and happy about who I am and not afraid to be myself around people. I believe that everyone has room to build their confidence. 

Confidence in friendships

I have understood the type of people I want in my life. There have been a lot of friendships that have started and ended this year, all for the best. I have started to look at it because it is inevitable for all friends to stay in your life for all stages, especially at ages of growth and change. Allowing friendships to end that don’t align with each other’s lives anymore lets new friendships start. There doesn’t have to be dislike or hatred between friends growing apart. People want to be happy and be around people who mesh really well together. Knowing this and accepting it has given me a lot of confidence to move forward with new friendships and build on old friendships!  

Confidence in School

School can be stressful, but finding confidence in your ability to succeed will only push you to be the best student you can be. When I am stressed and worried about a class, I try not to forget to know that I am intelligent and capable of doing well. Once you let your doubt get the best of you and lose confidence in your studies, you may find your grades and willingness to learn to go downhill. Keeping your head up high and doing well will help build confidence, leading to an overall well-rounded school experience.  

Confidence in Jumping Outside of Your Comfort Zone 

Jump outside your comfort zone! If this means applying for a job, going on a date, or facing a fear, do it! Living life with new experiences will help you grow as a person. Facing your fears will only benefit you. When I do a recent activity for the first time, it helps build my confidence to try even more things. Confidence comes the moment you take risks!  

Confidence in Yourself

The number one confidence to have is in yourself. Having confidence in school or relationships does not mean you are confident deep within yourself. Love who you are as a person, make goals, make yourself an even better version of yourself by learning who you are. Understand your mistakes to be a better person. Look in the mirror and admire yourself because there is only one you.  

Once you reach a balance in your life between happiness in relationships, school, and everyday life, your inner confidence will only come out more! 


Ava Margolis grew up in New Jersey and now resides in South Florida. Margolis attends Lynn University where she studies Multimedia Journalism. Margolis plans to continue her education to become a therapist for children. She is outgoing, compassionate, and an adventurous person who loves sharing her passions with others.