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PEM Glow-Up: What Is a PEM Glow-Up and Why You May Need It?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lynn chapter.

Hello girlies! Welcome back to the glow-up series. Last time we talked, there were some tips and tricks on having an educational glow-up. Now I think it is time we have an upgrade. We will be talking more towards the health aspect of a glow-up. In this week’s article you will receive keys on having a PEM glow-up. So, let’s learn what a PEM is… 


I know it doesn’t matter how you look on the outside, it’s what on the inside that counts. Yes, and I completely agree with that. But when you take the time to take care of yourself, whether it be doing self-care or even shaving your legs during the colder months, you will feel the difference. You will feel presentable and feel confident within. I’m not saying to change and become someone completely different. Just by taking the time to take care of yourself really helps with your health as a whole. Try by switching your hair care to a more sustainable and cleaner brand, or your skincare that works best for YOU, or eating more whole foods that will give you the vitamins and minerals and energy that you will need to conquer your day. By just changing little habits, you are contributing to your overall goal. 

Here are some videos for inspo. 

Rebecca Jay: what you NEED to know about glow ups | how to glow up 2021 + the science of glowing up 

Mejaboo: how to glow up physically in 2021🌜 for broke ppl 💪 

Raina Monét: MY EXTREME GLOW UP STORY | 5 Ways I leveled up! 


Why are your emotions so important to having a health glow-up? It is because having strong relationships with those who you love really helps with the rest of your PEM glow-up. By creating strong bonds with your family and friends, you fill your basic human needs with the feeling of togetherness and love.  But you can also do that for yourself. Self-care and respect is an important factor for your growth. BY having a strong relationship with yourself you are able to feel more comfortable and confident in your skin. Doing things like affirmations, self-care, and giving yourself a love that only you understand, is one of the strongest keys that someone may have.

Here are some videos for inspo. 

Lizzy Vante: how to glow up in 2021 *emotional/mental glow up* pt.1 

Girls of Aqua: Building Strong Family Relationships 

Leeor Alexandra: How to Create and Attract High-Vibe Relationships & Friendships 

FindingPhe: How To Build A Strong & Healthy Relationship With Yourself


Mental health is the most important out of all of these. By slowing down and taking a breath you are able to focus more on how you feel mentally. I understand that life takes over and you’re super busy, but just rest and think about what makes you happy. Even talking to someone on how you are doing or feeling is a step towards the right direction. It is going to be a process, however by taking baby steps towards your mental health goal, you are able to feel better. Your mental health is what powers the rest of your health goals. 

Here are some videos for inspo.

The Feminine Fancy: How to have a mental glow-up 

Sadie Aldis: my ~mental glow up~ routine 2021 

Susan Carolynn: 21 healthy & life-changing habits for 2021 *glow up mentally & physically for 2021* 

As always these are just some keys that you can take to unlock your personal health glow-up journey. Take baby steps into growing into the best version of you. But, first and foremost, take the time to plan out your own glow-up journey, because you are a special individual who deserves a personalized plan.

Alyna is Junior/Senior at Lynn University. She is studying International Business Management. She loves to use her creativity, ever since High school she has been bringing her creativity to life. Being healthy, be kind to others, and working on herself is one of the biggest values that Alyna has.