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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lynn chapter.

Have you ever been in a classroom and the plainness of the room makes you feel like you are slowly losing your sanity? It starts to bore you so much as you try to pay attention to the content being taught, but the teacher is just rambling. That is the importance of engaging lessons and classroom decorations. Teachers always say to be prepared, but what does that entail?

“Action is the fundamental key to success”

– Pablo Picasso

When students should fully be involved in a lesson, then arts supplies are a classroom must! It is the teachers’ job to create an atmosphere that is entertaining and revivifying to keep students immersed in the content. Word walls and art projects do not make themselves, and cannot be made without the right tools. These essentials might be crayons, pencils, pens, markers, highlighters, etc. A student’s backpack is their best friend in the sense that it is their secret to success.

For teachers and students, art supplies are your life savers on the boat of knowledge. However, they can become pricey during the school year, yikes! Some stores have massive discounts, and these can be a life and money saver. The secret is knowing when and where to look; for that, you have come to the right place.

Students, it is not solely up to your teacher to decide if you pass or fail. By showing up to class, effort is being shown. That is half the battle already, and class participation will make the Fall semester an easy transition from summer to work mode. Having a relationship built on clear communication is a must; teachers are not mind readers. All people have rights, and they do not get left at the door as soon as school starts; if you have a concern or problem in the classroom, just tell the teacher.

Most teachers make the mistakes of inducing the feeling of sleepiness in their students because of two crucial factors: lack of creating an experience and rewarding students for their efforts. If a student can demonstrate an understanding of what is being taught through participation, then teachers are doing something right. All educators should encourage their students to come prepared and ready to grow through learning.

Andrea Sofia Berman is a creative writer and Education major. She is passionate about children and helping people. She loves to use creativity to express herself, and hopes to spread positivity through writing.