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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lynn chapter.

If you’re reading this, it’s not too late.

You’re running yourself dry. You’re taking care of everyone else except YOU and choosing others all the time. Feeding them but starving yourself. And you don’t even know it. It has become a pattern—it’s your lifestyle. You’ve normalized it and now it’s poison.

Look at you. You gave them an inch, and they’ve taken a million miles. You never complained. And they never stopped. Now your cup is empty. It’s supposed to overflow…remember? You’ve lost yourself trying to save everyone else. You have no more to give, yet you’re still giving. How? Why? Please, just take a moment to recognize. Be honest with yourself. You do more than you can. You give more than you need to. It’s painful to see how far you’ve come without realizing how much you’re hurting. The emptiness “shines” through. You have nothing left.

I need you to refuel.

I said REFUEL. No ifs, ands or buts. Stop thinking about who will suffer because you choose for a single moment to put yourself first. Stop worrying about how they’ll survive when you’re barely surviving. Stop caring about the fact that you’ll disappoint them. You cannot disappoint a real one—someone who understands you must sometimes choose YOU. Darling, we’ve got to get your cup overflowing again. I know the Big Man above is longing to refill. He’s been waiting.

Ready or not, it’s time.

Ask yourself:

Who have I poured into lately?

Has it been mutual or parasitic?

Why would they take advantage?

How long have they been taking advantage?

Why have I neglected myself?

How did it all begin?

Do I believe in the power of refueling?

Now say: I ___________ commit to choosing myself, not to neglect others, but to ensure my cup doesn’t go empty. I promise to feed my soul, nourish my body, and strengthen my mind. I will terminate any situation and leave behind anyone that hinders this process, accordingly. I understand that this does not entail selfish behaviors, but rather, refueling myself in ways that foster growth, confidence, and love. I am now allowing myself to breathe not suffocate, to flourish not fumble.

My mom told me: “Someone has to motivate the motivator.” She was referring to me during my time of anguish and loneliness. This powerful statement speaks volume. It told me that I cannot be the backbone all the time, that I cannot always inspire. Rather, there are times when I must be the receiver. I’m quite the motivator. Even when I’m not motivated myself, I’m still able to inspire and share positivity because I feel it’s my duty. But I realized that I must take moments to myself and allow others to return the favor, until I’m able to give 110 percent again. I shouldn’t be the supplier when I desperately require the demands. It’s not to withhold love from those I care about but to embrace the purpose of relationships. Relationships are necessities. Don’t think for one moment we were made to live without others. When we do, it’s called surviving not living. Survival is the process of making it through difficult conditions, simply existing. Therefore, it is imperative to foster symbiotic relationships where you both show equal amounts of love and support. 1 Corinthians 13:4-5 states: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.” And support comes along with love.

Therefore, you ought to take a step back, and allow your loved ones to care for you, so you can refuel. You should then depend on God to comfort, provide for, and strengthen you. Sippin’ from your own cup that runneth over. Then you can go into the world and be you—the kind, loving, and supportive YOU.

Take caution now before it’s too late.

Yours truly,


She shows the world who she is and what she's made of by sharing her perspective and values, emerging into a global statement. She embodies leadership, peace, and integrity. Ultimately, Bailee is the Chief Executive Officer of her legacy, growing with undefeated passion.