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Be The Best Version of Yourself Inside The Classroom: A Quick Read for Crucial Tips

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lynn chapter.

I have always made it a point for professors to know my name. I find it extremely important to be more than a student who just sits in class. Participating and being vocal in class shows that I care, which has added to my overall learning experience.   

Not To Fear 

Some people fear public speaking, which even means speaking in front of their class to ask a professor a question. Although it is not always easy to learn to speak up, it can drop your grade for several reasons. If you are too shy to speak in class, you will not earn any participation points or miss questions that could help with a presentation or paper. Speaking up is a great life skill as most any field of study requires using your voice.  

Good Character 

I have found throughout the years that teachers tend to have added respect for students when they can tell they have good character. Good character means genuinely caring about the work they are doing, of course for a grade, and the sole purpose of learning. If a professor knows you are hard-working and struggle occasionally, they may give you the benefit of the doubt if you run into a problem.  

Experience In Your Field 

Some professors are really great recourse with advice as most have a lot of experience in their field of study. As stated above a professor would most likely be more willing to go out of their way for a student that does well and tries in their class. They quite literally could help you get a job, by giving a great reference. Professors make a difference in students’ lives as their kind words of encouragement can go a long way that a student can use as motivation at times of stress.  


Getting to know your professor is not only kind but essential to do well in class. To know professors’ grading techniques and what they exactly look for in work. Some professors are more interested in the content, and others focus a lot more on formatting. Paying close attention to professors’ in-class critiques of not only you but also classmates can help with your work.  

Care and Be Kind  

Lastly, two of the principal attitudes anybody should carry in class and life are caring and being friendly. Showing that you genuinely care and want to do well, learn and be the best student is more important than any grade. Most people pick up on energy. A friendly face is always welcoming and pleasant to see and be around. Being friendly when walking by a professor or anybody will brighten a day and add to a person’s thoughts about you, which is essential. When professors have nothing but positive words to say about you, it will give you the confidence to show the best version of yourself. 

Always be the best version of yourself in the classroom. Trying hard and caring will help in your future. Pay attention to detail in class. Get to know your professor because they have experience that can only help in your career path.  

Ava Margolis grew up in New Jersey and now resides in South Florida. Margolis attends Lynn University where she studies Multimedia Journalism. Margolis plans to continue her education to become a therapist for children. She is outgoing, compassionate, and an adventurous person who loves sharing her passions with others.