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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lynn chapter.

Road trips are always a fun time especially when you are going with friends. It is so cool driving into all the different towns and states, and seeing what they all have to offer. This past weekend we went to Georgia and it was an amazing experience! It was nice to get a break from reality and leave Florida for a few days to explore something else that is not the beach! 

Lauren’s Experience 

This is not the first time I have gone to Georgia, but the second time. The first time I went I fell in love with Georgia as there were more trees and open spaces, something I am more familiar with from back home. This is probably my favorite part. We get to step away from the built-up areas of Boca Raton and be in a space that is filled with grass, trees, rivers, hills and of course the crisp fresh air. 

Not only that but it was nice to be in a home again, that feeling when you walk down the stairs and you smell a home-cooked meal when you haven’t for months. That is the feeling we all take for granted until it has actually gone away for a while. Let’s not forget how good the food tasted and eating meals that are different to those offered at the school cafeteria. All of these things combined together allowed me to fully relax and forget about all the busy things that were coming up. As I cannot go home as often as I would like, this trip just gave me that little feeling of being back home and reminded me that I have come so far and it’s okay to miss home. 

Jackie’s Experience 

This was my first time going on a road trip and it was so much fun! I loved just being in the car with my friends talking about life and listening to music. It was the first time I have ever done something like this and it was great. It was also my first time going to Georgia and I loved it. I have always lived in the North so being in the South and learning their culture was one of my favorite parts. We went into my friend’s little town and it was so cool to see all of the little shops that were there. We went into a tractor supply store and they had little chicks in there and they were so cute! We also went into this little home made bakery shop and they sold so many baked goods like cobbler, oreo balls, and banana pudding. They were all delicious! 

It was very fun to get out of Florida and have a relaxing weekend. It was also nice to have a homey feeling again. I think I have taken advantage of that feeling and miss it a lot. It’s nice being in Florida and living on my own but sometimes I do miss having that homey feeling with family, and that’s what I felt again this weekend! 

There were many moments that were filled with happiness. Our most favorite moment was when I got to spend that road trip and weekend with my friends. We finally had the chance to go on an adventure together and leave the state of Florida.

Jackie is Senior at Lynn University. She is a Marketing major and has big plans for her future. She enjoys many things like fashion, content creating, and spending time with friends and family. Some of her passions are creating content and fashion. She is also the Marketing Director & President for her chapter. She hopes to have a successful career and a bright future!